The actress was so sour on the show in September, “So short of money”, she was choked up and angered by the people | Entertainment | CTWANT

Artist Cai Yunjie (Cai Xiaojie) was so emotional on the 1st that she was attacked by sour people. It turned out that she was attacked, “Are you so short of money? Do you have to show up on the show with a big belly?” Not only that, but also sour people said “Cai Xiaojie is too bad I love myself”, “I don’t know it yet, your husband said he was heavier than him”, which made netizens dumbfounded.

Cai Yunjie was sour on the show in September: so short of money? (Picture / Reposted from Cai Yunjie’s Facebook page)

Cai Yunjie got married in May and announced her pregnancy news in July. She was the last to give birth and often interacted with fans through social platforms. She can also be seen on the show. How could she be soured by the people? When she was ready to respond When she found out that she had been blocked by the other party, she thought that whether she had money had nothing to do with the sour people, especially “what’s wrong with showing up? I worked hard before giving birth! I need to feel proud! Not ashamed”.

In addition, some netizens criticized her in simplified characters, “Dogs and men and women who are pregnant and have a big belly must be a dog’s child, a cheap bone is a cheap bone, a veritable lewd thief.” Although Cai Yunjie understands that she should ignore such comments, But when she saw someone cursing “too heavy to die on the operating table”, it was really hard not to be angry, “Then I replied to him at the time, and he said that he had a mental illness certified by a doctor, so his words would hurt people… Then you It can explain why it is not controlled.”

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In this regard, fans have left messages hoping to bring positive energy to Cai Yunjie, “Xiaojie, don’t pay attention to that kind of person, come on, you are a great pregnant mother”, “Xiaojie wants to have a happy baby, don’t pay attention to them “, “It’s a bit difficult to ignore, but you can do it, these people will only make people angry, if you get too angry, be careful to move your tires, come on.”

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