The actress “lay down immediately after swallowing the medicine”, but she had a fever and rushed to the emergency room for a check: it was all festering! | Entertainment | CTWANT

Actress Feng Yuanzhen. (Photo/Photographed by Feng Yuanzhen’s Facebook)

Actress Feng Yuanzhen has the title of “Little Lin Chiling” in the entertainment industry because of her super-baby voice and Lin Chi-ling’s appearance. She revealed that she went to the doctor because of a cold a few days ago. She originally took the medicine for 2 days first, and then stopped the medicine on her own when the situation improved. Unexpectedly, her condition deteriorated once more. She went to the doctor for the second time and obediently finished all the medicine. However, although she had the patience to complete the course of treatment, she had a high fever and severe gastroesophageal reflux because she neglected two important “medication habits”. The doctor found out that she had ulcers from the esophagus to the stomach.

Feng Yuanzhen recently shared her horrifying experience of being sent to a doctor on the show “The Doctor is Hot”. She revealed that once she went to the doctor because of a small cold, the doctor gave her five days of medicine. At that time, she took it for two days and felt that the situation had improved, so she stopped the medicine on her own. Unexpectedly, five days later, the symptoms of cough became more serious. , the nose was still running, so I had to go to the doctor for the second time, and then went to the doctor once more.

After returning to the clinic, the doctor prescribed the medicine for another five days. Because the symptoms of the second visit became serious, she did not dare to stop the medicine randomly this time, and obediently finished the entire course of medicine. But because she finished taking the medicine, she immediately went back to bed and went to bed. As a result, following taking the medicine for five days, it became more serious, with more symptoms of fever and gastroesophageal reflux, and finally she was sent to the emergency room directly.

Later, the doctor took a gastroscope to find out that there was a pill sticking to Feng Yuanzhen’s esophagus wall. As for why it sticks? The reason is that when she took the medicine, she “didn’t take it before and following meals”, and “lay down and sleep immediately following swallowing the medicine”.

This time the pills were sticky, causing ulcers in Feng Yuanzhen’s esophagus and stomach. She was so frightened that she woke up instantly. After swallowing the pills, she did not dare to lie down immediately. Surgeon Chen Rongjian also reminded in the program that “the concept of swallowing medicine and not lying down immediately is very important.” He has seen many similar cases in clinical practice, especially drugs in capsule form, which can easily get stuck in the middle of the esophagus and cause ulcers.



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