The accused of killing his wife in Benha was placed in the mental health hospital in Abbasiya to demonstrate the safety of his mental powers

The Benha Criminal Court, headed by Counselor Khaled El-Shabassi, the head of the court, decided to deposit “Ahmed H.M.”, 32, an accountant and driver of an angel’s car, accused of killing his wife in Benha, at the Mental Health Hospital in Abbasiya, for a period of 45 days, and the formation of a specialized committee of psychiatry and neurology professors to examine His condition and the extent of his responsibility for his actions at the time of the crime, and whether or not he had previously suffered from mental or neurological diseases, provided that the committee submits its report one week before the scheduled session, and set the next April 3 session to consider the case.

The defendant’s defense had argued that the defendant had previously suffered from a psychological, nervous and mental condition and had previously been hospitalized after his illness, that he was not responsible for his actions, so the court’s decision was to place him in a mental health hospital to indicate his psychological and nervous condition during the commission of the incident.

And the security services in Qalyubia were able to arrest a husband who killed his wife in the Taba housing area, the first department of Banha, due to marital disputes.


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