The account of an elected American anti-vaccine closed by Twitter

Twitter announced Sunday that it had permanently suspended one of the accounts of Republican elected official Marjorie Taylor Greene, accused of violating the social network’s rules on information on the pandemic.

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The social network closed his personal account, @mtgreenee, on which this fervent supporter of Donald Trump, known for his excesses, notably relayed numerous false information about the anti-COVID vaccine.

Ms. Greene, who also reproduced the allegations of electoral fraud brandished without proof by the former president, however keeps control of her account of elected to the House of Representatives @RepMTG, which she used less until now.

The social network did not specify which messages were problematic, but referred in a statement sent to AFP to its gradual “penalty system”, which imposes several violations before suspending an account.

The controversial elected had already seen her account blocked for a week in August because she had tweeted that the vaccines “do not work”. Saturday, she had again mentioned, without any factual element, “an extremely high number of deaths due to the vaccine against the COVID”.

On Sunday, Ms. Greene sharply criticized the sanction: Twitter “is an enemy of America and cannot face the truth,” she wrote in a statement.

“It’s okay, I’m going to show America that we don’t need them. “

The social network also banned Donald Trump after the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, by his supporters whom he had heated white by evoking a “stolen election”.

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