The 5 Biggest Catfish Ever Caught: Record-Breaking Giants from Around the World


Catching giant fish often attracts attention, especially if the fish are better known for their small size and are commonly consumed, for example catfish.

Among the large catfish found, some were extraordinarily large, even weighing almost as much as a cow.

5 Biggest Catfish Ever Caught

Catches of giant catfish not only demonstrate the incredible diversity and size of catfish, but also highlight the skill and perseverance of the anglers who catch them.



1. Mekong Giant Catfish

In northern Thailand, a giant Mekong catfish weighed an astonishing 293 kg, almost as much as a crossbred cow. This fish was caught in 2005, and set a world record for the largest freshwater fish ever caught at that time.

The Mekong giant catfish lives in the Mekong river system which crosses various countries such as Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The species is currently threatened with extinction due to various factors, including overfishing and habitat destruction.

In 2024, a British angler managed to catch a Mekong giant catfish weighing almost 200 kilograms after struggling for an hour and a half in the Mekong River.

2. Wels catfish in the Po River, Italy

Wels catfish was caught in the Po River, Italy, in 2023, by an angler named Alessandro Biancardi. This giant fish is about 2.7 meters long and weighs 127 kg.

The diet of Wels catfish varies depending on their habitat. It eats fish, amphibians, even small birds. Its combination of size, strength and voracious appetite make it a prized catch among anglers looking for the thrill of a challenging fight.

3. Amazon Piraiba Catfish

The Amazon River Basin in South America, known for its biodiversity, is home to a 155 kg Piraiba catfish caught in 2009.

Piraiba are carnivorous animals and are known to migrate as far as 4,000 km each time they reproduce. This fish has good adaptability and can survive in various water conditions in the Amazon River.

4. Giant Catfish in the Ebro River, Spain

In the Ebro River, Spain, anglers reported catching Wels catfish that weighed up to 113 kg and were almost 2.4 meters long. Although there are no official records for these catches, stories from local anglers suggest that catfish in the Ebro River can grow to enormous sizes.

5. Giant Catfish in the United States

In the United States, especially in the Mississippi River, sightings of giant catfish are also frequently reported. One of the largest catches recorded was a blue catfish weighing 130 kilograms and more than 1.5 meters long.

The existence of this giant catfish shows the extraordinary diversity of freshwater fish species and their ability to grow in the right conditions.

These catches are not only of interest to anglers but also provide important insights for scientists studying freshwater ecosystems and the fish species that inhabit them.

See also the video ‘3 meter giant catfish caught in Italy’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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Giant Catfish: The Big Fish Tale

Ah, the sheer thrill of fishing! Just imagine: you’re standing by a river, rod in hand, waiting for that delightful tug on the line, thinking, “What have I caught? A fish or an Olympic swimmer?” Well, folks, it appears we’ve entered one of nature’s most absurd realities – catching catfish that could easily win a weightlifting contest.

5 Biggest Catfish Ever Caught

When it comes to catfish, size does matter; it’s not just about how delicious they are on a plate. These colossal catches not only highlight the astounding diversity of catfish but also the absurd lengths our angler friends will go to prove their strength. So, let’s dive into the world of giant catfish, shall we?



1. Mekong Giant Catfish

First up, meet the Mekong Giant Catfish. This is no ordinary fish; we’re talking about a stunning 293 kg beast, which is practically the size of a bloody cow! Caught in 2005, this record-breaking freshwater fish still evokes gasps of disbelief. The Mekong catfish, lurking throughout the Mekong river system, is now critically endangered—proving that nature can be both awe-inspiring and tragically flawed. And in 2024, a daring British angler caught a cute little 200 kg version, after an hour-and-a-half-long struggle. A traditional catfish duel!

2. Wels Catfish in the Po River, Italy

Next on our tour de fish is the Wels catfish from Italy’s Po River. In 2023, angler Alessandro Biancardi nabbed himself a 127 kg monster, measuring up at a staggering 2.7 meters long! Imagine wrestling with that thing! This catfish, known for its insatiable appetite, targets everything from fish to small birds. It’s like the fish world’s answer to the all-you-can-eat buffet—painful but necessary (for anglers, of course).

3. Amazon Piraiba Catfish

Paddle your way to the Amazon and meet the Piraiba catfish, known for its remarkable 155 kg titans. Caught in 2009, this formidable fish can migrate up to 4,000 km for its little spawning parties! Just think about it—lesser anglers could barely trek to the corner store without losing energy, whilst this giant is out there navigating the Amazon like a boss.

4. Giant Catfish in the Ebro River, Spain

Let’s not forget about the Ebro River. While there are no official records, local tales boast of Wels catfish approaching 113 kg and nearly 2.4 meters long. That’s more than a small car! You might say that catfish are the celebrities of the Ebro—every fisherman is trying to catch a glimpse, while locals are waiting for their day to hit the front page!

5. Giant Catfish in the United States

Lastly, we must tour the United States. In the Mississippi River, giant catfish sightings have become the stuff of legends. One of the most absurd catches includes a blue catfish weighing in at 130 kg, stretching over 1.5 meters long. You could easily get a department store’s worth of fish sticks from just one catch!

These colossal catches are fascinating not just for anglers but also for scientists looking into freshwater ecosystems. Perhaps these fish aren’t just hunting for snacks, but also for biology lessons.

Check out this outrageously entertaining video of a 3-meter giant catfish caught in Italy:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


In conclusion, let’s tip our hats to the remarkable world of giant catfish. Whether you’re angling for a trophy or just wondering what the old adage “the one that got away” is really about, these fish represent some of nature’s most ludicrous wonders. So, get out there, cast your lines, and who knows—you might just pull in the next big one… or at least a story to tell for ages.


**Interview with Fishing Expert, Tony Rivers‌ on Giant Catfish Catches**

**Interviewer**: Welcome, Tony! It’s great to⁣ have you⁤ here today to‌ discuss the fascinating ⁣world of giant ‌catfish. There’s quite a buzz about recent⁤ catches. Can you shed some light on what makes these colossal fish so special?

**Tony Rivers**: Thank‍ you for having me! Giant⁣ catfish are truly remarkable ⁢for several reasons. Their size alone captures attention—some weighing as much as 293 kg! But ‍beyond‍ the numbers, they represent a rich ecosystem. When anglers successfully catch these giants, it highlights not only their skill but also the health of our freshwater systems.

**Interviewer**: Speaking of health, I understand ‍that some species are threatened, like⁤ the Mekong giant catfish. What are⁤ the‌ main challenges they⁢ face?

**Tony Rivers**: Yes, the Mekong giant catfish​ is critically endangered, mainly due to overfishing and habitat destruction. Rivers are‌ being dammed and polluted,‌ which impacts their spawning grounds. It’s a ‍grim reality, but awareness is growing, and conservation efforts are underway to help‌ protect these⁣ majestic creatures.

**Interviewer**: Just last year, a British angler caught a 200 kg Mekong giant catfish after a long battle. ‌What does it take ⁤to land​ a ‍fish‌ of that⁤ size?

**Tony​ Rivers**: Patience, strength, and the⁣ right technique! Catching a fish that ⁤size ‍can take hours, not to mention​ the necessity of having the right gear. Anglers must be prepared for a physical challenge, as these giants are‌ incredibly powerful and can put up a significant ⁤fight.

**Interviewer**:⁣ Let’s shift gears to your mention of the Wels catfish⁢ caught in Italy. What can you⁣ tell us ⁢about its eating habits?

**Tony Rivers**: The Wels catfish is known for its ⁢voracious appetite; it’s a true predator ​in⁣ its habitat. It feeds on a variety of prey, from fish to amphibians and even small‌ birds. This adaptability in⁤ diet is ‌part of what⁣ allows them to grow to such​ tremendous⁣ sizes.

**Interviewer**: Fascinating! Considering all these giant catches, what implications do they have for our understanding of freshwater ecosystems?

**Tony Rivers**: ​Giant catfish play a crucial role in⁣ their ecosystems. ⁤Their‌ presence indicates a balanced environment, while their decline can‍ signal deeper ecological ​issues. Studying these fish can provide insights into the health of freshwater ‍habitats and‍ help scientists develop​ better conservation strategies.

**Interviewer**: Thank you, Tony! It’s been enlightening to learn more about these remarkable ⁣fish and the challenges they face. Any last thoughts⁢ for our anglers out there?

**Tony Rivers**: Absolutely! I encourage all anglers to practice sustainable fishing. By respecting the limits and understanding the species we target, we can enjoy ⁣our passion while also ⁤helping maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Happy​ fishing!

**Interviewer**: Thank you⁤ again, Tony! ⁣We appreciate your insights into ⁤the ‍world⁢ of giant ⁤catfish.

**Tony Rivers**: The Wels catfish is quite the apex predator! They’re known for their voracious appetite and will consume almost anything they can fit in their mouths—fish, amphibians, small birds, you name it. This adaptability in diet is one of the reasons they’ve grown so large in various environments. When anglers target these fish, it’s not just about the thrill of the catch; it also speaks to the diverse diet and ecological role these fish play in their habitats.

**Interviewer**: Fascinating! It sounds like these catfish are more than just large fish; they’re essential participants in their ecosystems. How do these giant catches contribute to our understanding of freshwater ecosystems, particularly in rivers like the Ebro and Mississippi?

**Tony Rivers**: Giant catfish like those found in the Ebro and Mississippi are indicators of a healthy ecosystem. They can provide scientists with valuable data about biodiversity, pollution levels, and the overall health of freshwater habitats. By studying these giants, researchers can better understand migration patterns, breeding cycles, and how environmental changes impact different species. It’s a win-win: anglers get to enjoy their sport, and scientists gain vital information regarding conservation efforts.

**Interviewer**: Thank you, Tony, for shedding light on these magnificent fish and their importance. It’s a thrilling world out there for anglers and researchers alike!

**Tony Rivers**: Thank you! It was a pleasure to discuss the wonders of giant catfish with you today. Let’s hope more anglers continue to respect and protect these incredible species!

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