The 4 signs that will face pressures with the Sun-Pluto opposition – 2024-07-24 13:23:54

The 4 signs that will face pressures with the Sun-Pluto opposition
 – 2024-07-24 13:23:54

In fact, this will be the first time that this particular opposition takes place on the Leo-Aquarius axis, and this means that the events that have arisen since January will be put under the microscope. It is a dynamic aspect that will bring us face to face with radical changes and deep realizations.


The Sun-Pluto opposition on 07/23 comes to shake the family-career axis and it is possible to bring you into conflict with your partner or with people from your family environment, but even from your professional environment. Demands and obligations will be greatly increased during this time, which will create psychological pressure and bring you face to face with insecurities and fears. In general, your psychology will be particularly burdened and it is possible that you will lash out at your relatives and loved ones. Try to stay calm and assess situations with a logical and detached eye before making impulsive moves that may put you at loggerheads with those around you. It is also important to move away from toxic patterns of behavior and permanently leave behind situations that hold you captive to the past and do not allow you to evolve.


The opposition of the Sun from your own sign to Pluto from Aquarius signals pivotal changes and brings you face to face with realizations that will have a powerful impact on the important relationships of your life. The time has come to make some decisions and see if a person or a situation is worth investing in, or if you should cut it short and make a fresh start. Of course, this process will not be easy at all, and it is even possible that you will feel that a situation has gotten out of your control and you do not know how to manage it. But it is very important now to distinguish the toxic situations and people who affect you negatively and do not allow you to move forward in your life. This aspect will give you the strength to step firmly on your feet and make a new beginning based on your own strengths.


The Sun-Pluto opposition takes place on a pivotal axis in your horoscope and brings your career and social image into focus. You are at a critical crossroads and are called upon to make decisions that will determine your future course. It is possible that during this time you will come face to face with manipulative people in your family or professional environment, who will make excessive demands of you. All of this will create internal turmoil for you and it is possible that you will have strong outbursts towards superiors or people in your family environment. In any case, the Sun-Pluto opposition comes to shake you up for good and brings you to important decisions that will determine your future course. So you are invited to stand on your own two feet and eliminate from your life toxic situations that do not help you to develop and get to where you want to be.


The opposition of the Sun from Leo with Pluto from your own sign brings conflicts and tensions within your interpersonal relationships and partnerships. If you are committed, feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may surface these days, or you may face suspicion from your partner. On the other hand, you yourself may feel that you are possessed by negative and dark thoughts, which may not have any logical basis in reality. So try to resolve your differences through dialogue and don’t allow your phobias and insecurities to sabotage your relationships. If you start a new relationship or partnership now, it will radically change your life in some way. However, not everything will be easy and harmonious, since others will trigger extreme emotions in you and bring you face to face with a side of yourself that you try to keep well hidden from others. The only thing that is certain is that changes cannot wait and the best thing to do is to get rid of toxic situations and move forward by investing in people who help you evolve.

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