The 4 most addictive foods you should try to avoid

Food is a totally necessary element in our lives, but not only that, but also It gives us happiness and relaxes us. So much so, that many people see eating as an escape route from their problems.

However, this is a double-edged sword, since it can end up causing us to develop certain eating disorders or even overweight problems. Especially if we eat foods that are not suitable for our health, as is often the case with foods that cause addiction.

But, do you know what they are foodAre they addictive? Which are the most worrying? If you want to find out, we advise you to continue reading because we are going to tell you everything below.

The 4 foods that cause the most addiction

Las addictions they are something that is very present in our lives, although it is true that many times we are not able to detect them. In fact, there are common addictions you probably don’t know you suffer from.

In any case, within them one of the best known is undoubtedly comer. And it is that, in addition to being an escape route to release stress in the case of some people, there are also foods that are specifically prepared to be addictive.

Below we explain the 4 foods that cause addiction and you should try to avoid at all costs. Take note.

1. Chocolate

If we look at the list of foods that are highly addictive, at number 1 we could easily find chocolate. This is due to high sugar content this food and that it is one of the main culprits that we want to continue eating it until we finish the tablet.

Eating chocolate causes dopamine Release, which is one of the neurotransmitters that are related to happiness, but also the one that is linked to addictive behaviors. Hence the feeling of never being able to stop eating chocolate.

However, this happens especially with those chocolates that have been highly processed and have a high degree of sugar, reason enough to try to avoid them as much as possible. while yes we opted for pure chocolate we will not have problems suffering from this addiction and we will be able to take advantage of the benefits of consuming chocolate

2. Potato chips

Another of the most addictive foods is bagged potato chips. In fact, surely more than once you have opened an appetizer of this type and you have not stopped until it was empty.

This is mainly due to the fact that they have an ingredient that is used to enhance their flavor and causes addiction: the famous monosodium glutamate (on E-621 labels). What this element does is stimulate the receptors that are on our tongue, causing us to have desire to consume more and more of this food.

However, we must bear in mind that this type of product they have a lot of trans fats in its composition, which can cause long-term health problems. That is why the ideal is that we try to avoid the consumption of these foods as much as possible and opt for other alternatives that may be healthier.

3. The pizza

Who does not like to enjoy a good pizza? This classic of Italian cuisine has a multitude of followers all over the planet and is, without a doubt, the favorite dish of many for a weekend night.

However, according to a study published in the journal Clinical Chemistry, it is a dish that can also generate high levels of addiction. This happens because its mass has high glycemic carbohydrateswhich have the ability to generate that need to continue eating.

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Although we must make an assessment in this regard, and this is also going to depend on the type of product that we are going to consume. In other words, if we choose foods that are sold precooked, it will be easier to cause this type of addiction, since the more processed they are, the more additives they will have. But, if we choose a healthy alternative or the we make ourselveswe can greatly reduce this kind of inconvenience.

However, it is a food with high caloric loadso we must try to avoid excessive consumption.

4. The cookies

Finally, we come across another star product when we talk about addiction and they are cookies. The problem with this type of food is also that they contain many trans fats and a high level of sugars that make them addictive.

It is, on the other hand, a food that does not have any benefit for our health, since It only provides empty calories. Something that makes it one of the worst foods that we can find in this list.

However, if it is a product that you like very much and you do not want to take it out of your diet, you always have the option of making your own cookies with ingredients that are healthier. This way you can consume them without having to worry so much about the calories or the addictive behaviors they can generate.

Why are these foods addictive?

We have already seen some of the foods that are considered the most addictive, but you may be wondering: Why do they cause this addiction?

The truth is that these products have elements that act on our brain, causing the brain pleasure circuit which, as its name suggests, is involved in the generation of pleasurable sensations. All this by increasing the dopaminewhich is one of the neurotransmitters that activate this area.

This makes us want repeat the behavior of consuming the product and we cannot stop, just as it would happen with another type of addiction such as tobacco or alcohol.

As you can see, there are various foods that, far from providing us with nutrients and vitamins, all they do is create addictive behaviors that can end up putting our health at risk. We hope that this article has helped you to get to know them a little better and thus remove them from your diet.

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