The 4 essential personality traits to achieve lasting happiness

The happiness It is a universal aspiration, but it can in a great number of occasions can be elusive and ephemeral. Although everyone wants to experience joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in their lives, the path to happiness is often fraught with obstacles and challenges.

It’s true that external factors like abundance of money, success, and relationships play a role in happiness, but research suggests that personality traits they are even more important. If you analyze it carefully, it is logical: the way you are determines the way you think, feel and act, and they influence all aspects of life. Therefore, there are some traits that deserve to be cultivated above others:


Optimism is the first trait that comes to mind when you think of happy people. Optimists have a positive outlook on life and tend to focus on the good in any situation. Therefore, they view setbacks as temporary and bounce back quickly from adversity.

Conversely, pessimists tend to focus on negative events and are more likely to give up when faced with challenges. This means that they cannot become happy with everything because there is always something that torments them.

For example, if an optimist loses their job, they may see it as an opportunity to pursue a more fulfilling career. On the other hand, a pessimist can become demotivated and enter a depression that prevents him from moving forward.


Grateful people are able to appreciate the good in their life, however small it may seem. They focus more on what they have than on what they lack, and are more likely to experience positive emotions such as joy and contentment. Conversely, ungrateful people tend to take things for granted and may become bored or dissatisfied with their lives.

For example, a grateful person may be made happy by the simple pleasures in life, such as a hot cup of tea or a beautiful sunset. Conversely, an ungrateful person may become bored with these experiences and seek other forms of entertainment. This, following all, only causes unhappiness and a feeling that nothing is enough.


Empathy is the fourth essential trait for lasting happiness. Empathic people are able to understand and share the feelings of others, which can foster deeper connections and more meaningful relationships. They are also more likely to engage in selfless behaviors, which can increase their own happiness and well-being. Conversely, people who lack empathy may have difficulty building close relationships and feel disconnected from others.

In this sense, someone who has empathy can find their happiness in helping others, be it small things or bigger tasks. Conversely, people who lack this trait will only focus on their own needs and desires.


Resilience is closely related to optimism and is another important personality trait for lasting happiness. Resilient people are able to adapt to changes and overcome obstacles with courage and resistance. They have a growth mindset and see failures as opportunities to grow and learn.

Resilience is especially important during difficult times, such as a global pandemic or personal crisis. Unfortunately, in recent years it is one of the traits that have had to be promoted so that, despite everything that has happened and continues to happen in the world – in addition to the personal problems of each one – there are reasons to move forward.

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