The 39-year-old tried to hang himself with the bandages on his head! – 2024-04-08 06:20:44 reveals the entire history of the attempted suicide of the 39-year-old “massacre” of Kyriaki, outside the Police Station of Aghii Anargyro, through the case file that was formed.

As it appears, through the official documents and his medical file, the 39-year-old murderer, in the early hours of Sunday (07.04.2024) was in a cell with three other prisoners, left his bed, went to the bathroom of the cell, took out the bandages that the doctors had placed on his head and neck and turning them into a noose, he attempted to hang himself, supporting the bandages on a screw!

But during the attempt, he suffered a setback as a result of which employees found him sitting next to the shower, provided him with CPR, recovered his pulse, and then transferred him to the Attica hospital, where he is intubated. It is worth pointing out that from the first moment, when the murderer was found without a pulse in the Korydallos prison cell, an alarm was sounded and, by order of the Secretariat of Anti-Criminal Policy, the protocols were implemented with the result that the doctors … fell on him and finally managed to they bring him back. Also of interest are the statements of the two psychiatrists, one of whom states that manipulative behaviors were found during his examination!

All the time through the deposits
As it appears, from the official documents and the statements of the employees of Korydallos included in the case file that was formed, the horrific scene, a wild dawn, in the prisons of Korydallos, unfolds as follows. “The above prisoner was assigned to the EX, 5th ward and following the order of the warden, his cell was checked every 20 minutes. At regarding 00:25, he was found to be in a semi-conscious state following he had tried to hang himself with a makeshift noose he had made from the bandages on his head for medical reasons, which had been placed in a hospital as well as injured during his arrest and brought upon entering the prison and had supported it on a screw. Immediately the necessary actions were taken to transport him where he went with a very weak pulse. The AT seized the medical gauze.” In the following lines of the document presented by, it is pointed out that in the attachments sent by the prison management to the hospital and which are included in the case file, following two psychiatrists’ opinions, the man in question was transferred to a cell as he did not wish to be hospitalized at the Psychiatric Department Store of Korydallos prisons.

The testimony of the penitentiary: “He had supported the screw on a plastic pipe of the toilet”
The correctional officer who found the murderer unconscious in the cell toilet testified as follows: “During my shift N1 (19:00-01:45) as a fitter in the 5th ward, I was in strict control of 20 minutes with command of the warden at regarding 00:25 I found the prisoner in a semi-conscious state, with a makeshift bandage loop which he had from self-injuries on the head and had supported it on a screw (metal support of the plastic pipe of the toilet). I immediately notified the deputy warden of the shift who went directly to the ward together with the available deputy wardens of the shift who took the prisoner for first aid to the Korydallos Prisoners’ Hospital”.
A second employee of the Korydallos prisons moved in his testimony on the same wavelength: “During my service at N1 (19:00-01:45) as a stationer in E’epteryga And following the incident with the prisoner, they confiscated the improvised noose which he had made from the bandage that the doctors had placed on him for the wounds he had sustained. I handed over the improvised noose – bandage – to the shift supervisors. This is what I have to report to you for your information and actions”
A third employee who rushed to the scene also reported the following: “During my duty at N1 (18:00-01:45) as a fitter in the 5th wing, in a strict control of 20 minutes by order of a warden he had regarding at 00:25 the colleague found the prisoner in a semi-conscious state with a makeshift bandage loop which he had on a supported screw. We immediately alerted the deputy wing warden. He was immediately taken to the hospital for first aid. This is what I have to report to you for your information.”

The psychiatrist’s opinion
It is worth emphasizing that, following the order of the General Secretariat of Anti-Criminal Policy, the prisoner was examined not by one but by two psychiatrists. According to information from, the 39-year-old during his examination by one psychiatrist found that he does not face psychiatric problems, while the second psychiatrist informed that he is a manipulative person. In particular, the psychiatrist states the following in his report: “Patient 38 years old, calm and cooperative, maintains eye contact and answers questions clearly. Relatively spatiotemporally oriented, perceptual disturbances and hallucinations are not reported. No serious memory-cognitive disorders were found.” The doctor talks regarding “Selective amnesia – he doesn’t remember what happened, he remembers as he says he woke up in the ambulance. Vibrating feeling. He mentions death wishes, but without expressing active suicidal ideation.” In fact, the psychiatrist points out that he is receiving psychiatric medication from the Dafni hospital and concludes by stating that “He does not need an immediate transfer to the Korydallos Detainee Psychiatry”.

“manipulative behaviors”
And the second psychiatrist, referring to the prisoner, states that he did not find active suicidal ideation, further stressing that he is a manipulative person!: “Stable clinical picture. He is on psychiatric medication. He does not mention active suicidal ideation” and in the following lines he points out the finding of “Impulsive – manipulative behaviors. Continuation of his stay in the Korydallos Detention Center under conditions of increased supervision”.

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