The 3+1 commissioner portfolios for Greece 2024-07-23 21:48:54

According to information, Greece is quite likely to take over one of the new portfolios being created, as announced by the president of the European Commission, specifically the Housing portfolio. It is a purely political portfolio, which is related to the major pan-European housing problem and is expected to manage significant Community funds. And obviously, if he gets it, it is expected that there will be significant relief in Greek society, which is facing a serious problem.


The portfolios of Enlargement, Agriculture (new CAP) and Competition remain on the negotiation table, at least in theory. The latter is considered the most difficult to give to a small country. However, K. Mitsotakis, supporting Ursula von der Leyen and playing an active role in the negotiations representing the EPP, together with the Prime Minister of Poland D. Tusk, won points for Greece, which has acquired an enhanced role in the EU’s penthouse. E.

The information states that Poland, through D. Tusk, is very likely to take over the upgraded Defense portfolio, which will implement the new doctrine of a unified European defense, following a proposal by K. Mitsotakis. The excellent personal relations of the Greek prime minister with his Polish counterpart point to a common understanding between the two leaders, as well as the majority of the EU, a fact which objectively strengthens the country’s defense protection, but also makes it difficult for Turkey to take any actions in spirit of revisionism, if there is again tension in Greek-Turkish relations.

A critical piece in the new European puzzle that is being created is the alliance of the EPP, the Socialists, the Liberals and the Greens, who created a strong front, leaving the extreme right and the extreme left on the European margins, which suffered a major defeat. The new majority of the E.U. is planning its new policy, taking seriously the results of the recent elections. It seems that they also “got the message” in Brussels, both in terms of accuracy (in this context it is expected that the Greek proposal for a joint European reaction against multinationals, which operate almost unmolested even in cartel conditions) will be adopted, as well as in terms of immigration, the which is now, by several Europeans, treated as an “Islamic danger”.


An interesting piece of information that exists and is part of the new architecture of the consents being formed, is to give Italy the new Mediterranean portfolio, which will also include immigration. Such a move widens the rift, which exists in the extreme right European spectrum, between Le Pen and Meloni. The Italian prime minister, who seeks to differentiate herself from Le Pen mainly through realism, is thought to be content with such a heavy portfolio. When at the same time its positions on immigration, due to the problem that Italy also faces, are more in line with the vote of European citizens in the European elections of 9her June. And obviously by changing the immigration doctrine and strengthening the guarding of the European (and Greek) borders with a bigger and more powerful FRONTEX, Greece will have increased help in managing the increasing flows.

College of Commissioners

The crucial point, until all this begins to take shape as policies, is to form a College of Commissioners, which is willing and able to support these new policies. And that is where Ursula von der Leyen’s attention is now directed. The background is described as “intense” and the individual conflicts of interest and pursuits as “major”. The outcome of the negotiations and the final decision on the portfolio that Greece will take will, according to information, also affect the choice of the person who will take it over. What seems to be very likely is that M. Schinas will not serve a second term.


Reshuffle of secretaries and… restart at TIF

K. Mitsotakis has three alternative plans for the changes – with names – in the general secretaries of ministries and in the administrations of important organizations. Who will make his final decisions within the week.

  • The first draftreportedly alluding to an almost sweeping “reshuffle of secretaries.”
  • The second plan described as a proposal with major but surgical interventions, so as not to paralyze the ministries.
  • And the third, described as more conservative, it reportedly has the hallmarks of the recent government reshuffle, which saw changes to key ministries and a reshuffling of deputy ministers, but was not sweeping.

The prime minister, who will make the final decisions based on the proposals prepared for him by G. Mylonakis, A. Skertsos and T. Nezis, is said to be considering all three plans, as each of them has advantages and disadvantages. What is certain is that K. Mitsotakis will choose the final scheme with the main aim of the government working “clock-wise” in September.

The TIF will be the milestone of the total restart of the government.

Two timelines

On September 7, K. Mitsotakis, inaugurating the 88the TEF, according to information, will give two schedules with goals and benefits.

  • The first next year will also concern benefits that will be announced without being “regal”: Allowance for low-income pensioners towards the end of 2024, abolition of the pretense fee, reduction of insurance contributions, measures to support the family and, as always, probably there will be the traditional “surprise”.
  • The second timetable reaches 2027, when the next national elections will be held. According to information, K. Mitsotakis will describe the new narrative for the next three years, setting “big goals” and emblematic changes. Such that escape the routine of management and claim a place in history. E.g. the goal of “convergence with Europe” is not judged to last for the three years until the next election. On the contrary, an enriched reform package, which can change the image and functioning of the country, could be the prime minister’s new narrative.

At the same time, with this planning and while waiting for exactly how much the fiscal margins will be, the government will continue the battle of everyday life, with the cost of living, Health, Education, transport and security at the forefront.

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