The 30 Plant Rule: Unlocking Weight Loss and Optimal Health through a Plant-Based Diet

2023-07-10 05:13:34

To lose weight and take care of your health, it all starts with food. Our plates must be as healthy as possible and give pride of place to as many fruits, vegetables and plants as possible. If we often talk about the rule of 5 fruits and vegetables a day, we know less about the rule of 30 plants per week. However, it is particularly effective and beneficial both for our silhouette and for our well-being. The purpose of this dietary method, which is ultimately quite simple to apply: stay away from ultra-processed foods as much as possible to leave more room in our daily diet for plants with a thousand virtues.

As reported Vogue, the 30 plant rule actually came from a large 2018 study by the American Gut Project, which found that people who ate more than 30 different types of plants per week had more diverse gut microbiomes and therefore in better health. A finding that was the result of a rigorous analysis of the microbiome and habits of people from America, the United Kingdom and Australia and samples from their faeces. “Researchers were able to establish a correlation between dietary habits and ideal microbes. They found that, even more than the amount of protein we eat (which should be 30 grams a day), people who ate 30 plants a week had the highest amount of helpful good gut microbes in their guts.”explains the Dr Federica Amatia medical scientist and nutritionist who worked alongside the professor behind this report.

How to consume 30 plants per week?

No wonder plants are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, polyphenols and antioxidants, which help cleanse the microbiome and eliminate toxins. The question remains, however, how to succeed in consuming thirty plants per week. If this may seem huge, in fact, this reflex is quite easy to put in place. “The word ‘plant’ encompasses whole grains, spices, herbs, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, it is a multitude of foods”, says Dr. Federica Amati. And to add: “Once you start to get used to adding these foods to your cooking, you quickly reach that number.” Rather than plants, we can therefore speak of all foods of plant origin : from fruits to vegetables, cereals, coffee or chocolate. The advantage of this rule is also that it allows us to diversify our diet for the good of our organization. So many good reasons to apply it now!

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