The 3 signs that will have pleasant big changes in their lives

This year, the autumnal equinox has arrived at the same time as the eclipse season, so the first big flash of autumn will be a powerful solar eclipse.

Big changes are coming


October’s eclipse occurs in your sixth house, changing the way you think about your daily tasks and wellness practices. You’ve been working to find a better work-life balance for the past year and a half, and you’re finally figuring out how to let go of some of the responsibilities that have been weighing you down.

Your cosmic ruler, Venus – who is also the ruler of this glow in Libra – sends magical vibrations to both Mars and Saturn, bringing stability to the boundaries you set. And right now, Uranus in your sign gives a sweet kiss to intuitive Neptune, giving you pleasant prophetic dreams. With so many positive planetary alignments affecting your chart alongside this eclipse, you have nothing to fear.


Leo will have an easier time with October’s solar eclipse. The way you communicate your ideas and feelings to the world is changing, and over the past two years, you’ve embarked on a journey to adopt entirely new ways of thinking. With October’s eclipse in your social and busy third house, it’s time to leave your fears behind. Now is a great time to express your feelings.

As the only sign ruled by the sun, eclipses always have a significant impact on you, as they always involve a precarious alignment between the sun and the moon. But even so, the vibes of this glow will bring new opportunities in your favor.


How close do you feel to the people around you right now? October’s eclipse occurs in your social and team eleventh house, so it’s asking you to really learn about your current place in the collective whole. If you’re feeling lost and disconnected from the people around you, it might be time to start moving away from certain ensembles. This eclipse could push you towards better paths, more suited to you.

Additionally, your cosmic ruler Jupiter forms a positive aspect to sensitive comet Chiron which can heal any relationship issues – so if there have been difficulties, this is a great time to figure out how to move on. Setting boundaries could be the antidote you’ve been looking for.

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