The 3 keys to being happy from the top Caroline Lossberg

with one of the accounts most inspiring instagram from the world of fashion, German model Caroline Lossberg try to balance in your life those two territories over which his day to day: his profession -see: airports, nights away from home, endless days…- and that of his welfare -nature, hobbies, friends…-. Through his photos we can know the Caroline’s handbook of small pleasuresthose activities where this fashion professional finds the disconnection what do you need. customs, activities and Habits that allow you to regain well-being and happiness every day, every month and every year. He says Tal Ben Shanaran expert in positive psychology at Harvard University, that “the happiness does not depend on the present situation (we all have ups and downs), but rather is the reference line that lies between the good times and bad times and that it is constantly changing”. That is to say, that our happiness It is the result of a combination of five essential components: spiritual, intellectual, relational, physical and emotional well-being. Without wishing to idealize anyone, today we focus on the particular Caroline Lossberg lifestyle. Their keys to feel good they are very convincing.

What makes superstar Caroline Lossberg happy

“Anyone else feeling a little sleepy lately? Fall fatigue is real” (Caroline Lossberg). Happy life is not positive, happy life is real.@carolinelossberg

“Nothing like a sistaaa” (Caroline Lossberg). Quality relationships sustain people’s happiness. We are social beings and when human contact fails, so does happiness.@carolinelossberg

“There’s a whole world out there wanting have your time for their own purposes. And you must be aware of your role as defender of your time because no one else is going to protect it. If you don’t, you will end up living the life that others want you to live, and not the one you want (the one for which never Do you have time)”, explain the authors of the book Kenso Effectiveness. be clear regarding our priorities and needs it helps us to balance our life. These are Caroline’s three favorite options beyond the job you are passionate regarding:

  • Nature, nature, nature

It is the place Caroline Lossberg always returns to. Either to spend some days in the fieldfor walk along a deserted beach or to enjoy it to the fullest doing trekking. They are usually associated with moments of loneliness and silenceto spaces where reconnect with yourself. the happy idea: There are several scientific studies that show that a minimum of 2 hours a week in natureeither all at once or over multiple visits, to significantly improve your health and well-being.

  • Not one but several creative hobbies

Besides the gardeningthe German top is fond of potterythe reading Yet the Photography. We can see her cultivating new species in his garden or proudly showing off his latest ceramic creation. the happy idea: Las manual activities they let us connect body and mind so they are a way of moving meditation. The key in this type of meditation It is not to erase all thought, but to find Mental balance through bodily activity. It is a perfect time to experience what some call the flow state.

  • Connect with other people daily

Las social relationships they allow us to be more human by exchanging thoughts and emotions. The German top is faithful to her friends with whom she does not forgive wandering around and enjoy life in the city. the happy idea: According to researchers from the Oxford Universitywe should see friends twice a week but, the truth is that the healthy thing is to spend quality time with your friends or family every day.



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