The second Capricorn Full Moon in a row once again activates the career, goals, social status, home and family sector once again in a month, and you might finally get clear on what you want to do with all of these issues first in to you and then to others. The clearer your goals are, the easier you can achieve them, as long as you are not impulsive, hasty and selfish. This moon can bring to a head issues that arose at the first Full Moon on June 22 and now urgently call for solutions, or you can be consumed and pressured by situations, since the trine formed by the Full Moon with your ruler Mars will make you more combative and assertive! But there’s also the conjunction with Pluto that lurks and can bring problems, repulsions, obsessions and tensions and scratching your nails for a fight. You may feel frustrated, burdened and pressured by the demands of others and lash out in a bad way at those around you. But this is what you should not do, because the rifts will be intense both at the professional and at the family level. This means that either there will be problems in the house as a property or there will be pressure in the family or work environment and you will feel that no one understands you and you will suffocate. But be careful, because the explosions can bring reactions and even very intense ones and suddenly the house or office looks like a war zone. And since Uranus, the planet of “surprises” is very active, get ready for change… with all that that might entail. There is the possibility that some issues may arise at work that concern you and you want to make changes yourself, or you may be faced with the decisions of others either in your professional or personal life that may change your circumstances. But because during the period of the Full Moon, emotion often prevails and not logic, do not make hasty decisions and do not have impulsive reactions. Whatever happens don’t lose your optimism, good things are ahead of you.
As children of the Moon you are always influenced by the phases of the moon and even more so when the Full Moon takes place opposite you in the sign of Capricorn and indeed for the second time in a month. If you have a birthday close to the date of the Full Moon, i.e. 2 days before or after, then its influence will accompany you throughout your birthday year. This moon illuminates your relationships and partnerships and asks you to make those changes that will help you improve things and bring peace back into your life. If this means you have to finish something or formalize a situation and commit more, you know better, since now you will claim what you want according to the facts that exist in your life. So if you experience suffocating conditions on a personal or professional level, you will feel intense emotional pressure and set your limits. Because the Full Moon is conjunct Pluto and cross-aspect Mercury, perhaps all the problems you’ve been hiding under the rug will come to the surface and you’ll now have to face them. You will express all your grievances and may not do so with the kindness and empathy that usually characterizes you, but with violent outbursts, harsh language and may use manipulative and domineering games, controlling behaviours, obsessive actions and revelations of secrets. All this is in the scenarios of the days, either by you or by your partners and the people you work with, because there is also the case that others will ask you for change and stick you to the wall and because you will have no appetite for negotiations, to hit the knife to the bone. Also, sudden revelations may be made and decisions have to be made about the future of relationships and partnerships, or some changes may bring new data into your life. Of course, this moon can also bring a person into your life, who will change the way you think and there will be ups and downs. In general, it is a time when you will reflect a lot and review the way you relate to others, whether romantically or professionally and on a friendly level. You should also take care of your health and fitness. The changes that are coming are only for the better, even if it doesn’t seem so at first.
Pressure and changes in family or professional matters are brought by the Full Moon, which is conjunct Pluto, cross Mercury and trine Uranus. Since the previous Full Moon on June 21st, again in the sign of Capricorn, you’re in the cheetah, but if you don’t keep your cool and break out, you won’t be able to overcome emotional difficulties and things will come to an end. It may be that a situation at home suddenly comes to a head and you want to move away from people you live with or permanently get rid of annoying roommates or neighbors who make your life difficult and oppress you. Or you may be under a lot of pressure at work from colleagues who get on your nerves and maybe demand things from you that you have not agreed to and make you furious. Because the situation will be tense and you will want to get away from everything and everyone, before leaving behind scorched earth, give yourself time to calm down and make the right decisions. The best thing to do is to somehow remove yourself from whatever is causing you toxicity and stress, but without acting impulsively and fighting. Take time off from work, find some time for yourself and only associate with those who can take care of you, understand you and calm you down. It will do you good to find the center of your inner peace again and then announce your decisions. The period from the Full Moon and for the next two weeks is suitable for taking care of the home space, changing and throwing away what you don’t like and don’t satisfy you, renovating or moving. In fact, with this moon you may have a sudden spatial change either at work or at home.
You are the hosts of the Full Moon for the second time in a month, and the previous Full Moon on June 22 was held in your sign, and you have reached your limits. Everything that arose with the previous Full Moon will now come to a head and you will have to find solutions. This moon is a tricky equation as it is ruled by strict Saturn and is trine rebellious Uranus, conjunct dark Pluto and cross aspect Mercury and will bring out your fears, anxieties and it makes you have emotional outbursts and intense mood swings. You may feel its energy as a Damocles sword over your head, ready to fall and punish you for the wrong steps you take. Maybe some revelations will trouble you and put you in the process of thinking and revising your actions and decisions. The mind will be filled with questions and “ifs” that will fill you with anxiety and thoughts that will stress your psychology. Perhaps a person from your environment with their words or actions will trigger some of your insecurities or may make some kind of criticism that will make you question a lot, and on this occasion you will start your personal evaluation and be called to do some hard realizations that might cause pain. But you will also have to make your own decisions and remove from your life everything that oppresses you and anyone who does not value you. This means that you may put a permanent end to relationships that have come full circle – whether personal or professional – and make room for the new in your life. This is of course not an easy process, but it is for your own good. But remember that if you don’t value yourself, no one else will. That’s why you need to relax a little, take a breath, look at your life and decisions in a simpler way and redefine your thoughts. It’s not bad to admit mistakes, what’s bad is to beat ourselves up or always blame others and distance ourselves from those who love us. Take advantage of the opportunity that the Full Moon gives you to change habits that tire and exhaust you and pay attention to health and relationships. The future is not behind you but in front of you and you will only win it if you are good with yourself.
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#2nd #Full #Moon #Capricorn #brings #profound #signs