The 22-year-old Taiwanese-German idol announced his retirement!Joined the Sexy Zone for 11 years… Mental and Mental Disorder Retirement Johnny | ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Chen Qianxiu / comprehensive report

The 22-year-old Taiwanese-German mixed-race male idol Marius Ye (マリウス叶, Chinese name: Ye Chenglong) is one of the “Sexy Zone members” of the Johnny boy group. On December 2, 2020, he issued a statement to suspend activities due to poor health. However, after 2 years, on the 27th he issued a statement of retirement through the company, and at the same time retired from the entertainment industry.

▲ Johnny’s 22-year-old member Marius Ye announced his withdrawal from the entertainment industry and the entertainment industry. (Picture / Reposted from Twitter)

According to Japanese media “Oricon”, Marius Ye performed on stage at the Johnny’s New Year’s Eve concert on the 31st. After the end, he will leave Johnny’s office and also retire from the entertainment industry. The members of “Sexy Zone” will change from 5 to 4 People, including Taketo Nakajima, Fuma Kikuchi, Victory Sato, and Satoshi Matsushima, who has returned from recuperation due to panic attacks.

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▲▼ Johnny's 22-year-old member Marius Ye announced his withdrawal from the entertainment industry and the entertainment industry.  (Picture / Reposted from Twitter)

▲ Marius Ye will retire after the New Year’s Eve concert on the 31st. (Picture / Reposted from Twitter)

Marius Ye’s father is German, and his mother is Taiwanese-Japanese, and his mother used to be the male actor “Ye Ming” of the Baocheng Song and Dance Troupe. He joined Johnny & Associates at the age of 11 and formed the boy group “Sexy Zone” in the same year. Then a national tour was launched, and there were also theater performances. During the Johnny’s New Year’s Eve concert in 2018, he accidentally stepped on the wrong stage and fell off the stage. He returned to the stage 20 minutes later with injuries, which caused a commotion. In 2020, he stopped performing arts activities on the grounds of poor health. At that time, he worked very hard to balance his studies and performing arts activities. He aimed for perfection in everything he did. As a result, he put too much pressure on himself, which led to his physical and mental imbalance. In order to give priority to stopping work, unexpectedly 2 years later, he made the decision to quit the studio and the showbiz.

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