The 16 communes that change phase this Wednesday

Pucón, Algarrobo and Zapallar recede: The 16 communes that change phase this Wednesday

Pucón, Algarrobo and Zapallar recede: The 16 communes that change phase this Wednesday

Last Monday, the Government announced changes in 16 communes of the country within the framework of Step by Step Plan.

As reported by the Undersecretary of Public Health, Maria Teresa Valenzuela, only three advance to the stage, while 13 regress due to complications in the last days due to more cases.

The modifications will be effective as of 05:00 hours this Wednesday, January 12.

Among the announcements, the setbacks in tourist areas stood out Pucón, Algarrobo and Zapallar.

Check the changes:




  • Putre
  • pica
  • Antofagasta
  • Mussels
  • Paihuano
  • Zapallar
  • Algarrobo
  • Santo Domingo
  • Pucón
  • English
  • Panguipulli
  • Curaco de Velez
  • whochi

President Piñera: “It is probable that we will exceed 10,000 daily cases” of COVID

The President Sebastián Piñera warned that in the next few days there will be a peak of COVID-19 infections that might reach 10,000 cases.

The President, who this Monday began the vaccination of the fourth dose, said that “there are weeks in which we have had more than 100 million cases in the world,” later maintaining that in our country “We are around 4 thousand cases, but this number is going to increase.”

Although Chile is protected, because we have had very robust vaccination programs, personal care measures are taken and we have protected borders, this virus due to its contagious nature is going to spread, “he said.

Regarding that health scenario, Piñera stated that “the number of infected people will increase, but the most important thing is that these infections will be milder.” As detailed by the head of state, “I think it is likely that we will exceed 10,000 cases a day.”



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