The 14-year-old’s surgery was completed

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The pieces of plaster fell on the child’s head, when he was waiting at the bus stop with his mother. The DI.AS team soon arrived at the scene. and an EKAV ambulance for his immediate transport to the hospital. It was shortly after 12:30 noon on Iroon Polytechniou Street in the area of ​​Agioi Anargyro, when pieces of plaster fell from a 2nd floor balcony, severely injuring a 14-year-old girl in the head, at the time she is waiting for the bus with her mother.

“A plaster fell on the girl’s head. I saw the pieces. It was a big piece,” said an eyewitness.






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A workshop of the municipality of Agios Anargyro installed mesh around the point where the concrete corner fell in order not to endanger other citizens.

The 14-year-old was rushed to the hospital by EKAB ambulance and accompanied by the police, so that she could be operated on to remove an epidural hematoma on her head.

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#14yearolds #surgery #completed
The​ code you've⁣ shared appears to be JavaScript⁤ used for⁢ setting up and configuring various​ advertising systems on a website—specifically, Google Ad Manager (formerly known as DFP), Google AdSense,⁤ and possibly ‌other affiliate or third-party advertising services. Here’s a breakdown of ​the key components of the code:

1.⁢ Ad Slot Definitions

‌ -‍ Slots are defined for different ad ⁣units, each associated with dimensions (e.g., [300,250], ​ [728,90], etc.).

‍ - Size mappings are used to specify how ad⁣ slots should respond to different​ screen‍ sizes and environments (e.g., mobile vs.​ desktop).

‍ -⁣ Examples include:


googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], 'inreadvideo').defineSizeMapping(inreadSizes).addService(googletag.pubads());

2.‍ Targeting

⁢ - Targeting⁢ parameters ⁤are set to ‍help deliver relevant ads to specific visitors based on context. ​For ​instance:


googletag.pubads().setTargeting('pageType', 'article');

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', 'ellada');

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('articleid', '1550909');

3.​ Ad Operations

- Various functions‌ are used to manage ad display and behavior:







4. Displaying‍ Ads

- The displaySlot function is invoked to load ad units on⁤ the​ page:




5. Conditional Logic for Mobile/Non-Mobile View

- ‍Logic to check⁤ if the user is ‍on a mobile‌ device is used to conditionally load‍ ad slots:


if (!window.isMobile) {




6. Integration with Other Services

-‍ The code appears to include placeholders for integrating with services such as OneSignal for notifications and ⁣Disqus for comments:


OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId: "487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab",



7. Script Tags and Asynchronous‍ Loads

- There are references⁣ to asynchronous script loading which suggests that ​there ‌are additional libraries and functionalities that will be loaded:


asyncLoadScript('...'); // Placeholder for actual script URLs

8. Commenting and‌ Code Structure

- Parts of the code are commented to indicate where‌ developers might want⁤ to extend functionality or inject⁣ their own scripts.


This ‌script is designed for a specific website's advertising setup, focusing on serving​ ads‌ efficiently depending on user context and device.‌ It utilizes Google's publishing tools⁢ to manage ad inventory and enhance revenue‍ through optimized ad targeting. If⁢ you have specific questions about any ‍part of​ the code or its functionality, let ‍me know!

E integrations with various other services for additional functionality concerning advertisements and user engagement. Here are some of the integrations mentioned:

6. Integration with Other Services

  • OneSignal: This integration enables push notifications, allowing for real-time engagement with users. The configuration includes setting an app ID and pushing the initialization function to the OneSignalDeferred queue.
  • Disqus: The commented-out code shows how to configure Disqus for user comments on articles. disqus_config is defined to set the page URL and identifier for tracking comments associated with specific articles.
  • Facebook Pixel: Although commented out, there’s a setup that involves loading the Facebook Pixel for tracking and retargeting purposes. The Pixel can help marketers understand user behavior and improve conversion tracking.
  • Microsoft Clarity: This service provides insights into user interactions through heatmaps and session recordings. It’s initialized with a specific project ID.
  • Yandex Metrica: Similar to Google Analytics, this is used for web analytics and tracking user behavior on the site.

7. Deferred Loading

Many scripts are deferred using timeouts (setTimeout), suggesting that they will load after a defined period or under certain conditions. This pattern helps in optimizing the loading speed of the main webpage, which can lead to improved user experience and potentially better SEO.


setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript('...'), 1000);

8. Ad Display Logic

The script includes logic to display ads only when certain conditions are met, such as the existence of specific DOM elements or time delays. This ensures that ads are contextual and relevant to the user’s experience.

9. Error Handling

Although not fully fleshed out, there is a mention of error handling while attempting to fetch elements from parent documents. This can help in avoiding runtime errors during script execution.

10. Asynchronous Script Loading

The use of asyncLoadScript functions indicates that external scripts are being loaded asynchronously, which is crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience by preventing blocking of the main thread.


The JavaScript code snippet provided is a configuration for implementing various advertising networks and services, ensuring a cohesive integration for tracking, display, and user engagement. It is indicative of a modern web approach, utilizing modular, asynchronous loading to enhance performance and user experience.

If you need further details or clarification on any specific part, feel free to ask!

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