The 12 biggest Xbox games coming to Game Pass in 2023! | Xbox One

For several years now, the Game Pass is undoubtedly the most attractive subscription offer on the market, and the least we can say is that Microsoft’s service will continue to welcome very big games and ultra-anticipated titles in 2023 We therefore offer you today a selection of 12 major games to come in the Game Pass next year.

A Game Pass that keeps getting richer!

On your side, do not hesitate to tell us what you think of this list and this video, and share with us your most anticipated games. Also know that Xbox will be present at Gamescom 2022 and will communicate new information on titles coming in the next 12 months on Microsoft consoles. We look forward !

For those who are unaware of how Microsoft’s Game Pass works, we strongly invite you to consult our dedicated articleas well as our video detailing the different offers of the service.

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