The 100-meter SEA Games silver medal, which conceals the friendship between him and “Puriphon Boonsorn”.

“Biu, I got 2nd place. I got a silver medal. Beau.”

The end of the shouts filled with the emotion of satisfaction .. “Boo” Puriphon Boonsorn and “da” Sora-at Dabbang, two runnersThai national teamThey hugged each other tightly.

The first was a 16-year-old wonder boy who showed a vigorous form in ASEAN, sweeping 3 gold medals in the battle.SEA Games The 31st time, while the latter is a senior runner as a second-hand single who came to the finish line in a row. and won the silver medal in the men’s 100 meter category.

At that moment, even Soraat’s silver coin was obscured by the aura of intense heat from the work of the new Asean whirlwind. But for the owner The coin was filled with meaning and embodied the friendship between him and this junior who was three years apart.

Their meeting became the driving force behind each other. Ready to change to a young man who had almost given up on being a runner until he successfully developed his footsteps to the ASEAN level.

Main Stand would like to take readers to meet the story of friendship that happened between 2 runners of the Thai national team. “da” Sora-at Dabbang and “Boo” Phuripon Boonsorn

From a rowdy boy to a national team runner

At the Mee Dinh Stadium, the ring competes for the men’s 100-meter sprint final. All the spotlights were fixed on “Boo” Puriphon Boonsorn, a wonderful young runner who is chasing for his 3rd gold medal in this tournament.

In the blink of an eye, the 16-year-old took only 10.44 seconds to cross the finish line first. Win the gold medal as expected. Of course, every pair of eyes all news agencies They all turned to focus on the greatness of Puriphon. to hope to open his mouth about the success this time

While Puriphon stood alone for an interview for almost 5 minutes, suddenly another Thai runner rushed in and shouted with a voice of satisfaction .. “Biu, you got 2nd place, you got a silver medal” .. Before the two of them hugged each other with expressions of joy. Then the owner of the voice walked away. that person is “da” Sora-at Dapbang, who reached the finish line, came in second place with a time of 10.55 seconds.

After hugging and congratulating each other in the blink of an eye Sora-at immediately escaped from the camera to allow the younger generation to have a full interview with the media.

“At the finish line I still don’t know how much I got. Will I have a coin? because it crowded The coach told me to hold the national flag in front of the camera with my younger brother. But I didn’t dare go Because I still don’t know how much I got, I waited for almost 5 minutes. When I realized that I got 2nd place, I ran and shouted to my sister. My sister is happy for me too.” Sora-at said

If one glanced at the stats, one would not be surprised why he was so happy. Because Ta’s silver medal was won by just 0.01 seconds, defeating third place Mark Brian Louise of Singapore.

Even if it’s a silver coin that one might overlook But for Sorath This coin has many meanings and stories. Importantly, it is also related to “Boo” Puriphon, a junior in the national team as well

when a teenager at the juncture A young man from Khai Bang Rachan District Singburi Province Almost gave up the opportunity to become a runner in the Thai national team. because even relying on special quotas to playsportattended secondary school at Singburi Provincial School but with arrogance not going to school As a result, he had to drop out of high school at the age of 4 and dropped out for almost a full year before continuing his career at Singburi Technical College 2.

2“I went to school with a talent for sports. But personally, I don’t like running much. Some rehearsal, some don’t rehearse. Even when moving to Singburi Technical College, almost none of my friends run or play sports with them. There is nothing to do every day After finishing school, go home.” Sora-at, 19, looks back.

“When one day there was a vocational game competition. that brings together vocational students across the country to compete I was free, so I offered to ask the teacher to try and compete. Before the race, he practiced alone. study from the video clip Watch the running clip, the release clip of foreign runners. Then ask the teacher to practice according to the clip himself. because the school focuses on supporting learning more.”

“But when I went to the races, I performed well, winning the 100m gold medal and 200m silver medal, so I started to think that I could take advantage of this field. So began to practice more seriously. Until the day that the Athletics Association of Thailand opened the selection for athletes to compete in the Asian youth competition. I tried to check. When I went to qualify, I got 1st place, made 10.99 seconds, and went into the national team camp.”

Even though he has been trained in the national team camp But again, Da didn’t take the opportunity seriously. He was always trying to flee home or find an excuse to leave the camp. Sometimes it disappears for weeks. Sometimes disappears for months But the association is still kind and ready to give the opportunity to be referred back all the time.

Of course, this behavior made him undeveloped and when the footsteps are not moving stats are not better The association did not choose to send the News to compete. until he had to practice day by day for almost 3 full years

3“When you train with seniors you lose, Test loses, start the block you lose. Doing anything and losing everything until one day suddenly an idea pops up. Do we want to win? I don’t want to lose I want to compete with him Practicing alone is boring. like day to day So I want to try one more time. Because thinking back, I know that it’s because I didn’t mean to. It had to be like this. So I started to practice more seriously. But our physical condition is not as hard as our elders. because he had never practiced hard since childhood So we have to go slowly.”

After deciding to focus on the chosen path Sora-at’s work has gradually improved until it catches the eye of adults and is given more opportunities to be sent to compete in various programs. before winning the 100 meter gold medal in the Thailand Championship Ready to be the top choice of the team in this category.

Until the middle of 2021, a big challenge has come in front of you as an example. from the appearance of a young man named “Boo” Phuripon Boonsorn, who joined him as a candidate in the national team camp

brotherly friendship

“At first glance, it’s shocking. The kid is only 16 but runs and looks powerful. Run like nothing but fast, bouncy bouncy, but very fast.” Sora-at revealed the first moment that he saw Puriphon running in the national team camp.

Beau’s presence even dwindled Ta’s chances of representing the Thai national team. But this time he was ready to take on the challenge and did not give up like in the past. ready to transform it into an impulse yourself to soar

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4“I don’t feel any pressure. Always welcome to my sister He’s really good at it. I talk to everyone like this all the time. There is no jealousy or seeing him as a competitor or anything. On the other hand, you’re also the driving force that drives me to want to make my time better. I will always watch to see how you run. What do you do when you practice? how do you take care of yourself Learn how to But it doesn’t run exactly the same steps.”

“Rehearsal time on the block My sister and I are very close. No one has overtaken anyone, odd pairs all the time, but you will get the end that can tear away from us. But I didn’t give up. I tried to speed up to keep up with my younger brother. My sister also tried to escape me further. I see it as pushing each other. as they say If there are good people in the team, it will lead to those who are not good at trying to make themselves better. This is true.” Da opened his heart in a happy tone.

The momentum that the two had for each other turned into better performances accordingly. Beau shows wonders by breaking 2 consecutive Thailand records, both 100 meters with a time of 10.19 seconds and 200 meters with 20.58 seconds in the national sport in March 2022.

As for seniors like Ta, not inferior. The following month he won the 100m at the SEA Games in an athletics championship in 10.20 seconds, but the 3.7 m/s excess wind assist was not recorded as an official record. Before both of them armed themselves to represent Thailand in the SEA Games as the 1st and 2nd ranked hands within 100 meters, which for Ta In addition to being able to compete in a foreign country for the first time It was also the first time in my life to fly on a plane.

In addition to being on the field, it will be an incentive to each other. Off the field, the two are very close. By Ta told me that Since Biu came into the national team camp began to become more and more intimate eat together going around together play guitar sing together Always talk to each other and take care of each other. including in the SEA Games in Vietnam this time

5In fact, at first they both slept in separate rooms. Different people have to stay with senior seniors in teams with degrees that have previously won gold medals in the 2019 SEA Games. “ice” Chayut Kongprasit, 200 meter gold medalist, 23 years old, while Da sleeps with “Thousands of leaves” Siriphon Phanphae, 4×100 relay gold medal and 200 meter silver medal, 22 years old

“If you sleep with seniors, it’s good in another way. But we may feel so inconsiderate that we do not dare to dare to play anything. So I asked to share a room to sleep with my sister. we both think If they are together they are more independent. can talk and play more will not be stressed because they just competed in the SEA Games for the first time as well When I was in Thailand, I went to find each other to play every day.” Da revealed

After all no matter what anyone thinks or what As a result, all four of them were able to parade to win gold medals to compliment them all. which shows the spirit between the brothers and sisters of the Thai runners

Silver coins are more rejoicing than gold coins.

In the 31st SEA Games, all 4 Thai sprinters were able to win gold medals around their necks. Together they won the title while breaking the SEA Games record in the 4x100m relay with a time of 38.58 seconds.

While within 200 meters, Phuripon broke the SEA Games record 2 times in a row in one day. Before taking the gold medal with a time of 20.37 seconds, Chayut took the bronze with 20.77 seconds, before culminating in the 100 meters, Bew took his third gold medal with 10.44 seconds, while Ta took the silver medal with 10.55 seconds.

6and as mentioned above even after crossing the finish line Ta’s silver coins will be obscured by the aura of magic of junior Bie. but for him This silver medal is the proudest medal in my life.

“Before I came, I talked to my younger brother that If you get 1st place, you want 2nd place together. You want a pair of medals. When he was able to do so, he was happy and ran into a hug. I’m really glad I won the silver medal. And I’m glad that you won a gold medal as well.”

“It’s very stressful. In qualifying I ran 10.46 seconds, wind 0 m/s which is the best guaranteed time and I only ran 80%. But in the finals, the wind turned against a lot (-3m/s) and during the qualifying round, the opponent blocked the foul until he was disqualified. We, a newcomer, came to compete for the first time, so I was secretly scared. causing a bad start in the finals and losing to the competition as well But still able to speed up at the end, I’m very happy.”

7“If you ask me the 4×100 relay gold medal and the 100m silver medal, I’m more than happy for the silver medal. because of the team type Each of the seniors is already cool. The younger is cool. Everyone already knows that there is a high chance of winning a gold medal. But the single type can’t spoil each other. We don’t know where competitors will come. Is it good to start or not to run? So I feel more excited and happy.”

“The goal from now on is to try to keep improving your own record. Because this is the first program that I have come to compete in a foreign country. And it’s a really big list. And it really gives me a lot of experience. I’m sure I’ll make a better record than the 10.46 I did.” da final

both “da” and “Boo” There is still plenty of time to develop more potential. Today, both of them have successfully advanced from the national level to the ASEAN level. And in the future believe that the friendship of the two will help push each other to the Asian level soon.

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