The 10 tips to be a good trainer

2023-06-28 06:00:57

As an administrative assistant, you may be required to support the training of trainees, apprentices and new hires. Training others is not always an easy task, so to make things easier for you, we share with you 10 tips to be a good trainer or at least try to become one…

1. Be a teacher

Pedagogy is the art of teaching. We speak legitimately of art, because the transmission of knowledge requires the trainer to show creativity and imagination, in order to capture the attention of the person to be trained. The meaning of pedagogy is also knowing set goals of training. What knowledge do I want to pass on? How? With what tools and supports? Finally, the trainer must be able to adapt to different audiences and explain with clarity and precision sometimes complex concepts.

2. Have a sense of listening

Having the sense of listening is indicative of other qualities such as empathy, kindness and altruism. It is important to know how to put yourself in the place of the person to be trained, to understand their vision of things, their difficulties and their questions. The exchange is one of the keys, in order to take into account the feelings of the learner and to define the objectives together.

3. Know how to question yourself

A good trainer must be able to hear positive criticism, but also les feedbacks more negative, without turning their backs. Who other than the people to be trained are in the best position to give you relevant comments on the way you design or lead your training actions? These feedbacks will allow to be able to improve the quality of your transmission of knowledge and will make you want to learn alongside you.

4. Have a sense of communication

Equipped with a excellent relationship, the trainer knows how to promote exchanges and interactions with his students. He must master his body language and have no trouble speaking in public. This sometimes requires work on self-confidence in order to successfully assert themselves and adopt a posture de leadership. Finally, communicating well also means knowing how to listen attentively to what the other is saying.

5. Be passionate

A passionate trainer will usually be exciting to listen to. Whatever his areas of expertise, he must know how to speak with enthusiasm and energywhich will not be missing increase the motivation and interest of learners.

6. Be autonomous

Thanks to your sense of organization, your rigor and your ability to adapt, you will be able to manage your training sessions without stress. Indeed, it is important to show yourself quickly autonomous, because you will only be able to count on yourself to ensure the training.

7. Be patient

As for all teaching professions, the function of trainer requires a good dose of patience. Each learner advances and progresses at their own pace. Also, it is important not to go faster than the music and to ensure that the basic skills have been well acquired, before moving on to more complex tasks.

8. Master IT tools

In order not to find yourself in difficulty when carrying out professional tasks, mastery of computer tools is essential (Windows, Powerpoint, Excel, Word, etc.). Moreover, in the air of digitization of trainingthe trainer must more than ever be comfortable with new information and communication technologies to be able to design distance training sessions (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.).

9. Be curious

As a trainer, it is important to regularly renew their knowledge and skills in order to offer educational content that is ever more up-to-date and in line with the needs of learners. The trainer must keep a close eye on the latest developments in the field of technology: animation techniques, teaching tools, technological innovations, etc.

10. Be organized

Without one excellent sense of organization, the trainer would not be able to offer learners quality training. In fact, the time devoted to educational content design and the search for attractive tools and supports is far from negligible. A good trainer must therefore know how to manage his time, in order to be able to alternate intelligently between creation and animation of training courses and take charge of all the related missions: evaluation of learners, exchanges with them, time dedicated to self-training. same, etc

In conclusion, being a trainer corresponds to real added value for the administrative assistant. Indeed, the fact of transmitting knowledge implies that the trainer knows his subject perfectly. As a result, the latter must be constantly reactive and proactive in order to update themselves in their learning of training tools. His main assets will therefore be his willingness to learn constantly and his ease in communication, in order to pass on his knowledge with passion.

From the same author :

Administrative assistant: communication at the service of the company

Versatility: the key word of the administrative assistant

Sources : www.maformation.frLinkedIn

Photo credit : denisismagilov via

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