That’s why the carolers knock on our doors

While other children are busy with the new Christmas presents, skiing or meeting friends, many children are the Catholic youth in Austria for a good cause. Even in the corona crisis, carol singers are allowed to go from door to door. Well protected with masks and the necessary distance, of course. By January 9th, 85,000 carol singers are knocking on the doors in Austria. Disguised as the three kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, collect donations for needy people in poor countries. Around 500 projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America are supported each year with the funds raised. If you want to support carolers in times of Corona, but are afraid of meeting them in person, you can donate online.

Secret message

The carol singers not only collect donations, they also spread them Christmas and peace message. They sing songs and proclaim that Jesus was born. In addition, the carol singers leave a message on the door frames of house and apartment entrances. With chalk they write the letters “C + M + B” on the door frame. This is the abbreviation for the Latin words “Christ mansionem benedicat”. Translated it means “Christ bless this house“.

Good to know: The 3G rule applies to star singers who are over 15 years old. So you must either be tested, recovered, and vaccinated. It is recommended that the carol singers sing outdoors or in front of the apartment door. If you do go into the apartment or house, then only with an FFP2 mask.

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