That was the Concordia Ball 2023

2023-05-27 06:00:34

160 years following its debut, the traditional summer ball of the Concordia Press Club was once once more all regarding freedom of the press

Vienna (OTS) Yesterday, on Friday, May 26, 2023, the media, art and culture sectors, together with a cosmopolitan and elegant ball audience, once once more sent a strong signal for free journalism. In the inspiring atmosphere of the ballrooms and the arcaded courtyard, whose decorations were also dedicated to the theme of journalism in terms of artistic design, almost 3000 friends of democracy exchanged ideas with lively conversation and exuberant dancing.

Among the editors-in-chief and journalists, artists and cultural workers, representatives from academia and democratically engaged civil society were Concordia President Andrew Koller (Salzburger Nachrichten) and Vice-President Petra Stuiber (The default) and Helmut Spudich, Arabel Karajan (musician), director Harald Sicherheitzcourier cartoonist Michael Pammesberger, Eduard Strauss (Richter and great-great-grandson of Johann Strauss father), designer Atil KutogluActor Joseph Lorenzthe Concordia award winners Christa Zöchling (profile), Florian Skrabal (Dossier), Robert Treichler (profile), Dieter Bornemann (ORF) and much more. The fearless Mexican investigative journalist was greeted with particular respect Carmen Aristegui and Swe Win, editor-in-chief of “Myanmar Now”, who had to flee the regime’s repression into exile in Australia. Both have just been awarded the prestigious prizes of the International Press Institute in Vienna.

The ORF III editor-in-chief also emphasized the importance of free journalism for our democracy and society Lou Lorenz-Dittlbacher, which guided the guests through the evening. This year, a particularly large number of young ball visitors paid tribute to freedom of the press as an indispensable asset. Together they admired the opening of the internationally renowned percussionist Martin Brainschmidton his “Typewriter” fastest typewriter writer in the world, accompanied by Vienna Opera Ball Orchestra under the direction of Uwe Theimer. Several hundred international journalists from 30 countries also romped around on the many floors of the summer ball, celebrating the unique Viennese ball culture. The DJs Trishes, Mistakes and Alexandra Augustin from Radio FM4 played in the arcaded courtyard of the festively decorated town hall, for whose decoration the artist Simone Bernert responsible. She also created the extraordinary newsprint hair sculptures with a black veil for the debutantes. Her take on the classic “ball crowns” is a contemporary interpretation of the traditional opening ceremony and the role of the debutantes.

Every tradition needs irony. Since its inception, the ball donations of the Concordia Ball have reflected current affairs and bear the signature of contemporary artists. Kurier cartoonist Michael Pammesberger ensured that this tradition was continued this year with his pointed comments on politics and the media, who also autographed his works late at night.

Cheers to journalism and freedom of the press!

The organizers of the Concordia Ball were delighted with the popularity of the common cause. Concordia President Dr. Andreas Koller: “The Concordia Ball is not only the loveliest summer ball in Vienna. It is also a high-level industry gathering – and a wonderful opportunity for journalists to connect with their readers, listeners, viewers and the interested public. Together we can set an example for free journalism! On this festive evening, it should not be concealed that journalism is currently going through a difficult phase. archyde news revenue is migrating to international media groups, fake news is circulating on the internet, pseudo-journalism fuels crude conspiracy theories, the digital transformation is demanding a lot from us media people. And media policy has recently made some wrong decisions of historic proportions. Is journalism dead? No. On the contrary. We believe in our future. We believe critical, analytical journalism is more important than ever given the information junk that spills through global channels every day. We are convinced that quality journalism is a basic ingredient for democracy. And we think the Concordia Ball is a very good opportunity to express all of that in a positive way. Please continue to count on us!”

Concordia General Secretary and ball organizer Daniela Kraus: “Since 1863, the Concordia has brought people together at its ball who consider freedom of the press, democracy and the rule of law to be necessary prerequisites for good coexistence – and celebrate these values ​​together. I am delighted that our festival for free journalism is enjoying such great popularity with the ball audience and in the industry right now. The enormous interest among young people and international guests is particularly nice. We put a lot of heart and brain into planning our first ball following the pandemic and were rewarded with wonderful conversations and exuberant dancing. The Concordia Ball in the town hall and its arcades is simply something special: a traditional, cosmopolitan ball and an enchanting summer festival at the same time.”

More pictures in the APA-Photogalerie

Questions & contact:

Deborah Grumberg

#Concordia #Ball



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