“That triangle between some magistrates, politics and a certain press” –

Edward Sirignano

“Never before have I felt so free to tell the facts, situations and circumstances that I had already told Alessandro Sallusti in the book “Il Sistema”. In that text I described a method, that is, the one that exists in the relationship between the judiciary, politics and information. As is known, I did not invent it, but we are talking about something that dates back to the Tangentopoli era. I myself was a victim of that mechanism, after all”. This was stated by Luca Palamara, former president of the National Association of Magistrates.

What, then, is the purpose of his story?
«It was done to make available to all citizens and their political representatives a topic for reflection to achieve a balanced relationship between the powers of the State».

Despite having written two books, however, a solution to the problem has not yet been found…
“Unfortunately, we still cannot free ourselves from the attempt to use the criminal process as a blunt weapon to strike the political enemy. A fault that still exists today, especially when certain news and information are the result of a welding between a certain press and some magistrates.”

What advice would you give to Arianna Meloni?
“Beyond the individual events, which will have to be resolved in institutional settings and on which I cannot express judgments, I think that, now more than ever, it is necessary to give a strong signal of change, not in a punitive perspective towards the judiciary, but of renewal, freeing it from that currentocracy, which still characterizes it today. We need to get to grips with those structural reforms that do not only concern the issue of the separation of careers, but also the organization itself, partly political, that the judiciary has given itself. To do this, it is essential to reform the CSM, introducing the mechanism of drawing lots, which in some way also has an impact on the politicization of certain investigations”.

But the same part always ends up in the crosshairs. Why?
“When everything that is not left is in power, certain aspects become more acute, unfortunately. Let’s not forget, however, that in 2008 the Prodi government fell following an investigation involving Mastella’s wife. The crux is another. The issue of the relationship between politics and the judiciary must be reviewed. After the authorization to proceed was lost, that dividing line between the investigation of the magistrates and political activity has disappeared.”

Does it surprise you that Renzi, until yesterday the undisputed symbol of guarantees, is now taking it out on the prime minister’s sister?
“Renzi has repeatedly recounted facts and events that concerned him. I think that the problems, which touch on certain investigations, exist and are current and the former prime minister knows this well.”

#triangle #magistrates #politics #press #Tempo
2024-08-20 13:40:34



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