“That same night we slept together…”: Francisco told how his relationship with Aixa was in Survivor

2024-09-24 03:34:23

Survivor left a multitude of good moments, some very emotional. However, love was not excluded from the reality show, since some couples were formed. Specifically, one of them was that of That’s it y Franciscowho empathized from the first moment. However, after the end of the reality show, they both went their separate ways.

Through streaming of Survivor, Francisco He told the details of his relationship with That’s it and why they didn’t formalize after the reality show. In this regard, he said: “At first I resisted, I didn’t want anything to happen. What happened to me with Aixa is that I left very angry with her, that the bond had been broken. Our relationship was beautiful from the first day, we rowed together from the moment we jumped off the boat and that same night we slept together (…) I was hurt because I would kill for her.”

“Juanchi is a touchy”: Malena left a harsh accusation against Juanchi for what happened in Survivor

The exit of Malena of Survivor caused a stir inside and outside the reality show. In this sense, the participant aired a series of situations that have Juanchi as the main protagonist of the story. Specifically, the blonde said that her partner had excessive contact while she was asleep. On the other hand, she said that he used to flirt with all the women on the show.

Through the official streaming of Survivor, Malena She revealed the most shocking details of her time on the show. In this regard, she said: “Juanchi is touchy, I was asleep. When I was eliminated, he slept with Aixa on the mattress they had won and they gave each other massages too. He doesn’t steal boyfriends, the kid is a cat who can use any bus.”

Later, Malena He dared to tell that he had a reunion with Juanchiafter Survivor. She also said: “He likes to peck around everywhere. When the time comes, he will say why he felt like caressing me. When the trip to the coast took place, he was already single. What happened was fleeting, it was to close something that had been left unfinished.”

#night #slept #together.. #Francisco #told #relationship #Aixa #Survivor



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