“Thank you to the creator of the world”: Inbal Glam (Irma) became a mother South here

Published on: 10.8.24 14:49

By: “Kan Darom” system

Actress Inbal Glam with particularly exciting news: “I have no words. Thank God I am a mother.”

Inbal Glam and the baby

That’s what she wrote on her Instagram account and attached a photo of her and the newborn hugging.

Glam, a 45-year-old single, and who is known in many homes in Israel as Irma from the series “80s”, became pregnant from a sperm donation after a decade of failed treatments.

In an interview published this week in the “Lasha” newspaper, Glam talked about her many difficulties in bringing a child into the world and noted that many times they tried to dissuade her from it.

“In 2016, there was an article about Ari Nagel, a Jewish guy from New York, a math teacher who became the biggest sperm donor in the world,” Glam said in an interview, “I sent him a message on Instagram, he got back to me, we spoke on the phone and he said: ‘There is someone who will soon invite I’ll fly to Tel Aviv, I’ll give her sperm, and you won’t have to pay the ticket.’

“After he gave sperm to that girl, we met in Tel Aviv. He said that he already has 33 children and his limit is 50-45. I think today he is at 133. We are still friends on Facebook. We went to a hospital, the doctor spoke in English and explained everything to him and we left After a few days they called me: ‘You can’t take his sperm’ because the law in Israel is that sperm donation has to be anonymous. I stopped fighting “to. I continued treatments alone.”

In Ashkelon, Glam is known not only as an actress, but also as the sister of the mayor, Tomer Glam.

Inbal and Tomer Glam

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