Thalía’s Pilates Reformer Secret for a Toned Abdomen at 50

2024-01-19 22:23:00

Thaliathe renowned Mexican artist and businesswoman, has shared her secret to maintaining a toned abdomen at 50 years old: a stretching highly effective. This idea, popular in the world fitnesshas become a key tool to strengthen and tone different muscle groups.

Thalía’s secret to eliminate lower belly at 50

The stretch in question focuses on working the abdominal area comprehensively, helping to achieve a flatter and more defined abdomen. Thalía, known for her dedication to physical and mental well-being, has praised this exercise for its visible results and health benefits.

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In the Pilates Reformer, Thalía performs a controlled and precise movement that involves both the superficial and deep muscles of the abdomen. This approach provides gradual resistance, allowing the muscles to progressively strengthen without causing unnecessary strain.

Thalía’s secret to eliminate lower belly at 50. Photo: IG

In addition to the aesthetic benefits, this stretch on the Pilates Reformer contributes to improving posture, flexibility and spinal health. Thalía highlights the importance of combining this exercise with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle to obtain optimal results.

Thalia has incorporated a stretching highly effective in the Pilates Reformer in your routine, highlighting its positive impact on abdominal toning and general health. His dedication to the practice of Pilates shows that maintaining a flat abdomen at age 50 is possible through balanced approaches that combine exercise, diet or healthy habits.

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