TGW focuses on South Korean growth market | DISPO

The focus of the recently opened TGW branch in Seoul, South Korea, is on mechatronic subsystems for the apparel/fashion, food, industrial and consumer goods market segments.

“South Korea, home to numerous leading international technology companies, is one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world with a great affinity for automation in almost all areas of life. Automation plays a key role, particularly in the TGW core sectors of clothing/fashion, food, and industrial and consumer goods,” says TGW boss Harald Schröpf. “The increasingly difficult search for workers, high wage costs and rising land prices are causing South Korean companies to invest more in the automation of their processes.”

TGW is active in Asia with two locations in China (Shanghai and Changzhou) and a branch in Singapore. With the establishment of a separate company in Seoul, the South Korean growth market will be specifically addressed in a further step, according to TGW. For this purpose, a strategic cooperation was agreed with LG CNS, the automation division of the technology company LG. There it says that together they are taking a big step towards the Next Generation Fulfillment Center on the Korean market.

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