Textile and auto parts manufacturing sectors that generate the most jobs in Paraguay

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The clothing and textile sector leads the list of those that employ the most people within the maquiladora industries in Paraguay, closely followed by the auto parts sector. Together they represent 50% of the jobs generated by the maquiladora industry in the country.

According to the latest report from the sector, 6,779 people work in the clothing and textile industries that operate under the maquila regime in Paraguay. As for auto parts, there are 6,689 registered jobs.

Other industries that operate in Paraguay under the maquila system and that generate a large number of jobs are plastics and their manufactures, which employ some 2,136 people.

In total, according to the July report, some 26,909 people work in the maquiladora industries, 56% of them men and 44% women.

Both job creation and the value of exports produced by the maquila have been evolving positively for several years. At the end of 2023, the impact of the maquiladora industries is at its highest point within Paraguayan manufactured exports.

According to a report from the sector, the impact of maquila on Paraguay’s industrial exports rose from 7% in 2003 to 68% by the end of 2023.

So far this year, maquiladoras have exported goods worth 618 million dollars, which represents a 6% increase compared to the same period last year. In July alone, export growth rose by 18% compared to the same month last year.

The main items exported by the maquiladora industries are auto parts, followed by clothing, food products, aluminum and plastics.

As for destinations, Brazil is the main recipient country of these shipments, absorbing 63% of exports, followed by Argentina (10%), the Netherlands (5%) and the United States (5%). In the last 12 months, maquiladora companies have contributed to the opening of 14 new markets.

Regarding the location of maquiladora industries within Paraguayan territory, 75% of them are located in two departments: Centroal (28%) and Alto Paraná (47%). Amambay (7%) and Asunción (8%) are other localities that host these industries.

#Textile #auto #parts #manufacturing #sectors #generate #jobs #Paraguay
2024-08-24 17:04:14



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