test to identify symptoms

There are tests and questionnaires to help detect adolescent depression. A psychologist can get them through. These tests are supplemented by a psychological and/or psychiatric evaluation to make a diagnosis of depression.

A test to spot the signs of depression

In addition, if you have questions regarding the behavior of your teenager, you can perform the test below to find out if he presents criteria suggesting depression.
This test has no diagnostic value and in case of doubt, it is important to talk to a professional.

How do I know if my teenager is depressed or simply depressed, take the test!

Your teenager’s friendships are:

A- Increasingly discreet, he is very withdrawn.
B- Rare but he has a few friends.
C- In good weather, he sees his friends regularly.

The depressed adolescent may tend to avoid contact with others and withdraw into himself. He can be impulsive, irritable, and this harms his relationships, whether friendly or otherwise. These difficulties can also be divided into sectors (only in certain areas), but they are no less serious.

How would you describe your teen’s mood over the past two weeks?

A- He is deeply sad or irritable.

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