Tessy Bocage. Thomas Vigot, new director of Sainte-Marie school

In replacement of Isabelle Martin-Fossey, who has made use of her retirement rights, the direction of the private school Sainte-Marie will be ensured by Thomas Vigot. Aged 46, he had held this position for four years at the Sacré-Coeur school in Torigny-les-Villes. “My schedule will be shared between these two establishments. It is a position within the private school that has been mine since 2006.”

This 2022 return to school is nothing special. Thursday 1is september, “We will welcome 65 students, from the small section to CM2. The educational team is made up of five teachers, including two new ones, and two agents specialized in supervising students with disabilities. This workforce is supplemented by an apprentice, a childminder and a person assigned to the canteen and maintenance..

On the real estate side, two classrooms have been completely redone, and adjustments inherent to everyday use have also been made.

Contact : Sainte-Marie private school, tel. 02 33 56 35 88; email: saintmarie.tessy@gmail.com

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