Tesla wants 100 hectares of land next to a German factory > teslamag.de

Tesla’s German Gigafactory in Grünheide near Berlin has been producing Model Y Performance in series since the end of March. Just like the one in China and the newest one in Texas, it doesn’t give the impression from the outside that it’s already finished: while electric cars are being built inside, there’s still a lot of construction going on on and in front of the buildings. The Chinese factory is due to open one soon Capacity of 1 million Model 3 and Model Y per year come. And in Germany, Tesla now apparently wants to buy additional land in Grünheide to use for the logistics of its Gigafactory.

Tesla is planning its own freight station

The current Gigafactory site in Grünheide is around 300 hectares in size and was sold to Tesla by the state of Brandenburg for a good 40 million euros at the beginning of 2020. As early plans showed, it basically offers space for four of the company’s typically long factory buildings, but initially only one was applied for and built (see graphic above). But now Tesla wants more space: According to one RBB report the purchase of another 100 hectares directly to the east of the previous area is planned.

According to the report, the majority of the additional property targeted by Tesla also belongs to the country, a small part to the electricity supplier Edis, which supplies the factory itself with a substation on it, among other things. A purchase price has yet to be determined. In addition, a modified development plan is needed for the plans, which the community representative of Grünheide must decide. Tesla wants to propose starting the steps to do this in June. The approval of the water association Strausberg-Erkner, the hardly sees any reserves for new projects in his areaare needed, reports the RBB.

The additional area is apparently to be used as a warehouse and for a freight station in order to obtain material by rail and to transport finished electric cars in this way. The report goes on to say that the start of construction is not expected before June 2023. Because, among other things, citizens and associations might send in questions and comments. After a lengthy Procedure according to the Federal Immission Control Act as for the Gigafactory It doesn’t sound like it itself, but it doesn’t sound like the usual and desired Tesla speed either.

Deutsche Gigafactory might grow

According to RBB, however, the new interest in buying suggests that Tesla wants to keep the previous Gigafactory site free for the expansion of production. In the meantime, there was talk of the long-term goal of 2 million electric cars per year with up to 40,000 employees in Grünheide, but the approval granted at the beginning of March only refers to up to 500,000 cars per year. Apparently Tesla should already have concrete plans for doubling production in Grünheide, but they do Postponed indefinitely by CEO Elon Musk personally in early 2021 became. Now that the factory is up and running there, he may have changed his mind and focused on expansion.



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