Tesla gets smart parking functions again – All about Electric cars

When Tesla scrapped the traditional parking sensors on its cars a couple of years ago, a lot of practical parking functions also disappeared. Among other things, the ability for a Tesla to get out of or into a narrow parking pocket with the driver outside the car.

But the biggest party trick was perhaps Smart Summon, which also enabled the car to navigate through the entire parking lot and all the way to the driver, who was waiting outside a store entrance, for example.

After the feature disappeared, Elon Musk promised it would come back better than anyone. Now here it is: Actually Smart Summon, or as Tesla chooses to abbreviate it: ASS.

With ASS, a Tesla can once again drive all the way from the parking slot to the point where the driver is waiting. The driver monitors the entire process on his mobile phone. With the Dumb Summon function, it can make the easier maneuver of just driving out of or into the parking space.

So far, the feature has only been rolled out in North America. Which parts of Smart Summon can conceivably come to Sweden remains to be seen. Last time there was only the “stupid part” because the legislation did not allow the other.



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