Tesla boss announces third part of his “master plan” > teslamag.de

In August 2006, Elon Musk, not yet CEO but already the company’s main sponsor and board chairman, released a “secret” master plan in which he publicly outlined Tesla’s long-term goals. Almost exactly ten years later, according to Musk, it was as good as done, and Part Deux followed. And now, according to the Tesla boss, it’s time for the third part.

Musk announces sequel on Twitter

After the summary at the end consisted the first plan in building a sports car, then with the money earned from it an affordable car and later with the money from it an even more affordable car; At the same time, Tesla should provide options for emission-free electricity generation. In July 2016, Musk stated that the plan was now in the final stages of implementation and followed up with Part 2. In it he specified the energy aspect as “breathtaking solar roofs with integrated battery storage” and mentioned electric trucks and buses. In addition wrote the Tesla boss about the further development of the autopilot system to autonomous driving and (without already using this word) the Teslas that this makes possible as private robot taxis.

the Tesla has now concretely presented most of the products announced in Part 2 or announced. You can at least order and get solar roofs and small and large storage tanks for them on the domestic market, albeit with long delivery times. Tesla presented the “new pickup” in November 2019 in the form of the Cybertruck, which is now to be produced from 2023, as well as the “heavy truck” Semi. The FSD beta software for the autopilot system has been tested and further developed in the USA since autumn 2020.

With good will, one could also consider the second part of Musk’s model plan to be in the final phase. In any case, the author wants to publish a sequel soon, as he revealed on Twitter on Thursday: “Working on master plan part 3,” he said on Twitter. Already the second the Tesla boss announced there shortly before publicationbut with the specific indication that this part should be finished in the same week.

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New plan with Tesla, SpaceX and robots?

So the sequel could still be a bit long in coming, but it’s set, and of course there was speculation about the content right away on Twitter. Musk may not only deal with Tesla in it. Because in his announcement he only wrote about part 3 without naming the company – and with SpaceX he leads another one that has big plans. This is also supported by the fact that a little later Musk said on Twitter that he had enormous respect for the employees who do honest work at Tesla or SpaceX. In this context or another, humanoid robots are likely to play a role in his new plan, which he surprisingly said this January that they have the top priority in product development at Tesla this year.

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