Terrorism: the government declares a state of emergency

  • 22 provinces concerned
  • From March 30, 2023

The government issued a decree establishing a state of emergency in the Council of Ministers on March 25, 2023. About twenty provinces in the 13 regions of the country are concerned.’

“The state of emergency is declared in the following areas of the national territory, as of March 30, 2023, from midnight, in accordance with Article 11 of Law No. 023-2019/AN of 14 May 2019 regulating the state of siege and the state of emergency in Burkina Faso. It’s about :

  • – the provinces of Banwa, Kossi, Nayala and Sourou in the
    the Boucle du Mouhoun region;
  • the province of Koulpelogo in the Center-East region;
  • – the provinces of Gnagna, Gourma, Komondjari,
    Kompienga and Tapoa in the East region;
  • – the provinces of Kénédougou and Tuy in the region of
    Upper Basins;
  • – the provinces of Lorum and Yatenga in the North region;
    – from the provinces of Oudalan, Séno, Soum and Yagha in the region
    of the Sahel;
  • from the province of Comoé in the Cascades region;
  • of the provinces of Bam, Namentenga and Sanmatenga in the Centre-Nord region.

According to the terms of the Council of Ministers, the adoption of this decree makes it possible to strengthen the existence of legal means within the framework of the fight against terrorism in these regions.

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