Territorial economy (Grenoble university press “Economie en +”, 2022)

2023-07-25 22:00:00
Page 1 to 13: Start Pages | Page 5 to 12: Claude Lacour – Preface | Page 15 to 16: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – Introduction | Page 17 to 27: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – Chapter 1. The new world and the advent of territory as a key variable in development | Page 29 to 43: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – Chapter 2. The economic analysis of space and its limits | Page 45 to 88: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – Chapter 3. Territorial economy: a theoretical body in the process of being created | Page 89 to 102: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – Chapter 4. The territorial foundations of economic performance | Page 103 to 120: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – Chapter 5. Territory, local governance and public action | Page 121 to 124: Claude Courlet and Bernard Pecqueur – General conclusion | Page 125 to 137: Bibliography | Page 139 to 142: End pages.
#Territorial #economy #Grenoble #university #press #Economie

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