Terrifying Shark Attack Leaves Surfer Missing: Witness Describes Horrifying Encounter

2023-11-01 07:42:25

“The shark took everything”

Ian Brophy, a 70-year-old surfer who was at the scene at the time of the attack, described how, as he was regarding to enter the water, someone shouted: “Shark! », According to local media. “As I turned around, I saw the shark lunge (at the victim) and bite,” he told Adelaide newspaper The Advertiser.

Ian Brophy said he saw the predator “go over (the victim), bite him and drag him under the water, then nothing for a minute or two, blood everywhere, and finally the board comes up.” “I saw it in a wave and the shark had its body in its mouth – it was terrible.” A few minutes later, there was no sign of the surfer’s body. “The shark took everything, I think.”

More attacks

Jeff Schmucker, a local resident, told Australian channel ABC that he took his jet ski to help emergency services search for him. He said he went to the area of ​​the attack and quickly saw a great white shark “the length of a sedan”, without being able to certify that this was the animal in question. Great white sharks are known to be present along the coasts of South Australia. In May, a teacher was torn to death some 120 kilometers from the scene of Tuesday’s attack.

#surfer #wanted #mouth #shark



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