2023-06-15 02:09:38
A great scare caused several people who were left hanging upside down on a roller coaster located in the amusement park Nandaihe en Qinhuangdao, China.
The events happened in recent days and the shocking images have gone viral on social media.
There were eleven tourists who experienced moments of terror when the attraction located in the province Hebei, in China it stopped.
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Users left hanging upside down on roller coaster
The people who were on board the attraction were surprised when it stopped and they were just headfirst into the highest part of it.
Why did the attraction stop?: it was all due to a power outage that caused the impasse that fortunately did not go beyond a great scare.
The 11 people who might be rescued unharmed were left hanging upside down for regarding 20 minutes.
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Local authorities are investigating what happened so that such incidents do not happen once more.
#people #left #hanging #upside #roller #coaster