Termoéléctrica Antonio Guiteras leaves the electrical system

Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant disconnects from the system due to a technical failure in the oil control, worsening the energy crisis in Cuba.

Early Tuesday morning, the Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant, one of the most important plants in the Cuban electrical energy system, was disconnected due to a technical failure in the oil control. This was shared by journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso on his Facebook profile.

“From the #cteantonioguiteraswe are informed of its exit from the system this morning. Engineer RUBÉN CAMPOS OLMOS, general manager, specifies that it is a problem with the so-called oil control.

He also says that it may take 24 hours to resolve the problem and that it also happens on the 60th day of his last synchronization.

As you can understand, monitoring the evolution of the SEN in real time becomes a complex task due to the appearance of these problems.

But our duty is to inform.

As soon as the damage has been thoroughly assessed, we will provide details, although initially, they are thinking of 24 hours,” Alonso shared.

Rubén Campos Olmos, the plant’s general manager, said the technical team is already working on a solution to the problem, which could take around 24 hours.

This incident occurred just 60 days after the plant was last synchronized with the National Electric Energy System (SEN).

More blackouts in Cuba

The disconnection of Guiteras adds pressure to an electrical grid that is already stretched to its limits. In recent weeks, the Cuban population has been facing prolonged and repeated blackouts, which has generated growing unrest.

The country’s energy situation has been aggravated by recurrent breakdowns at several of the main thermal power plants, which has led the authorities to acknowledge the difficulty of maintaining the stability of the electrical system.

In previous posts, it has been reported that Guiteras has experienced numerous technical problems in recent months, which has affected its power generation capacity on an ongoing basis.

The plant, located in Matanzas, is crucial for the country’s electricity production, as it is one of the largest generators of the SEN. However, constant breakdowns and lack of proper maintenance have significantly reduced its operational capacity.

The situation is not exclusive to Guiteras. Other thermoelectric plants, such as Felton in Holguín and Renté in Santiago de Cuba, have also presented repeated failures, contributing to the instability of the electricity supply throughout the country.

Fuel shortage

Cuba’s energy crisis has been exacerbated by fuel shortages, aging infrastructure and a lack of investment in renewable energy technologies that could alleviate dependence on thermoelectric plants.

Recently, the Minister of Energy and Mines, Liván Arronte Cruz, acknowledged in a public speech that the situation of the SEN is critical and that efforts are being made to keep the system operational despite the challenges. However, the reality is that Cubans continue to face daily power outages, which affect both daily life and the country’s economy.

Authorities have asked the population to be patient and have assured that they are working to improve the situation. However, confidence in the proposed solutions is limited, as problems persist and promises of improvements have not materialized in tangible relief for citizens.

The continued breakdowns and irregularities at power plants attest to the urgent need for significant investments in infrastructure and the development of more sustainable energy sources. Meanwhile, Cubans continue to grapple with the uncertainty of not knowing when the power will return.

#Termoéléctrica #Antonio #Guiteras #leaves #electrical #system



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