Tensions Rise as Planned Demonstration Targets Avner Netanyahu’s Wedding

“Protesting in front of the wedding of a politician’s son is one of the worst things there is,” begins his words Roy Neuman, one of the leaders of the social protest in 2011 and a prominent social activist, in a sharp post he published today (Tuesday) on his X page, which refers to the protesters’ intention to express their protest In front of the expected wedding of Avner Netanyahu.

Roy Neuman is questioned at the police station (archive)

He continues and claims: “Beyond the moral aspect, this will not bring one person closer and will only distance many people from the disgust. So the question arises, why do people do this? Because there is a small, extreme group that is addicted to attention and wants to be talked about. Just to be talked about. And so, just like that They keep normal people away from the camp.”

He ends his words by emphasizing: “The way to stop this is not to be afraid of the attacks of those extremists, we have to say – this is not our way, we have a different map of values ​​than you, even if we both recognize the same danger. Stop being crazy.”

As mentioned, if there are no last-minute changes, Netanyahu and his partner, Amit Jordani, are expected to stand under the canopy as early as next month. It is not yet clear whether the wedding will take place in the spirit of the times or whether it will be a huge wedding.

Roy Neuman leaving the police station (archive), photo: .

Netanyahu got engaged in 2021 to Noi Bar, but the couple broke up a few months later. He has been in a relationship with a Jordanian colleague for over a year and a half. Jordani is a cyber researcher at a hi-tech company and a participant in “Ninja Israel”.

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– What ⁤are the potential consequences ‍of protesting⁤ at a politician’s son’s wedding?

Protesting at a ‍Politician’s‍ Son’s‍ Wedding: A Counterproductive Move?

In a ‌scathing post on his social media platform, renowned social activist Roy Neuman condemned the intention of protesters to demonstrate‍ in front of the upcoming wedding of ‌Avner Netanyahu, son of a prominent politician. Neuman, one of the‍ leaders of⁤ the 2011 social‌ protest, ⁣vehemently criticized⁣ the move, stating ‍that protesting at ‌a politician’s ⁢son’s wedding is “one of the worst things there is.”

Moral and Tactical Concerns

Neuman’s post highlights both the⁤ moral and tactical flaws ​in such​ a ⁤protest. He argues that protesting at a ⁤private event like a ​wedding will only alienate people⁢ and drive them away from the ⁤cause, rather than drawing them in. Moreover, he‌ believes that this kind of ⁣demonstration will not achieve its intended goal of ​swaying public opinion ⁢or effecting change.

The Attention-Seeking ‌Minority

According to Neuman, the driving ‍force behind such protests is a small, extreme group ⁣that craves attention and ⁢wants to be talked about. These individuals, he claims, are more​ interested in ⁣gaining notoriety than‍ in pursuing ‌a meaningful and effective ‍protest strategy.

The Need ‌for a Different Approach

Neuman emphasizes that the way to⁢ counter ‍this kind⁤ of counterproductive protest is not to be intimidated by the attacks of the extremist group. Rather, it ‍is essential to distance oneself from their methods and to promote a⁢ different set of​ values. By saying “this is not our way,” Neuman advocates for a more inclusive ​and constructive ⁢approach to protest‌ and social activism.

The Upcoming Wedding​ and the Broader Context

The controversy surrounding the protests at‌ Avner Netanyahu’s​ wedding takes place against the backdrop of Israel’s complex political landscape. As the son of a prominent politician, Avner’s‍ wedding has ‍drawn‍ significant attention, with some critics accusing the Netanyahu family⁤ of abusing their power and influence.

The Power of Protest

While Neuman’s ‍post highlights the potential ‌pitfalls‍ of protesting at a politician’s ⁢son’s wedding,⁣ it also ⁤underscores the crucial role that protest plays in a healthy‌ democracy. By engaging in ‌peaceful ‌and respectful demonstrations, citizens can hold ⁣their‍ leaders accountable and push for meaningful change.


Roy Neuman’s post ⁣serves as ​a timely reminder of the need for responsible and strategic protest practices.​ By avoiding⁤ attention-seeking stunts and focusing on ‍inclusive and constructive methods, social activists can build a‍ broader coalition and achieve lasting‌ impact. As Neuman so eloquently puts it,​ “Stop being crazy” and choose a more effective, values-driven approach to protest.

Keywords: Roy Neuman, Avner Netanyahu, protest, social ⁢activism, wedding, demonstration, politician’s son, Israel, democracy.

Meta Description: Renowned social activist Roy Neuman ⁤criticizes protests at a politician’s son’s wedding, calling them‌ counterproductive and attention-seeking. Discover why this strategy may backfire and how to ⁤promote a ​more effective and inclusive approach to protest.

Header Tags:

H1:⁤ Protesting at a Politician’s Son’s ‌Wedding:‌ A ​Counterproductive Move?

​H2: Moral and Tactical‌ Concerns

H2: The ‍Attention-Seeking Minority

⁣H2: The Need for a Different Approach

‌ H2: The‍ Upcoming Wedding and the ⁤Broader Context

H2: The⁢ Power of‌ Protest

* H2: Conclusion

What are the potential impacts of protesting at a politician’s son’s wedding on public perception of the cause?

Protesting at a Politician’s Son’s Wedding: Is it Effective or Harmful?

Roy Neuman, a prominent social activist and leader of the 2011 social protest, sparked a heated debate with his recent post on X, where he condemned the intention of protesters to demonstrate in front of the expected wedding of Avner Netanyahu, son of a politician. Neuman argued that such actions are among the worst things one can do, as they will only alienate people and not bring about any positive change.

The Moral and Practical Implications of Protesting at a Politician’s Son’s Wedding

Neuman’s criticism raises an important question: what are the potential consequences of protesting at a politician’s son’s wedding? On the one hand, such actions may be seen as a legitimate form of expression and a way to draw attention to important social and political issues. On the other hand, they can be viewed as disruptive, disrespectful, and even hurtful to the individuals involved.

In the case of Avner Netanyahu’s wedding, Neuman argues that the protest will not bring about any positive change and will only drive people away from the cause. He claims that the protesters are motivated by a desire for attention and a need to be talked about, rather than a genuine commitment to the issue at hand.

The Importance of Strategy and Tactics in Social Activism

Neuman’s criticism highlights the importance of strategy and tactics in social activism. While protests and demonstrations can be effective tools for bringing about change, they must be carefully planned and executed to achieve their intended goals. In this case, Neuman argues that the protest at Avner Netanyahu’s wedding will be counterproductive and will only harm the cause.

The Need for Inclusive and Respectful Activism

Neuman’s post also emphasizes the need for inclusive and respectful activism. He argues that the way to bring about change is not through extremism and attention-seeking, but through a commitment to values such as respect, empathy, and understanding. By adopting a more nuanced and thoughtful approach, activists can build bridges with others and create a more inclusive and effective movement for change.

The Wedding of Avner Netanyahu: A Test Case for Social Activism?

The upcoming wedding of Avner Netanyahu presents a test case for social activism. Will the protesters succeed in drawing attention to their cause, or will their actions be seen as disruptive and counterproductive? Only time will tell, but Neuman’s post serves as a timely reminder of the importance of strategy, tactics, and respect in social activism.


the protest at Avner Netanyahu’s wedding raises important questions about the effectiveness and morality of such actions. While protests can be a powerful tool for bringing about change, they must be carefully planned and executed to achieve their intended goals. By adopting a more nuanced and respectful approach, activists can build a more inclusive and effective movement for change.

SEO Keywords: Protesting at a politician’s son’s wedding, social activism, strategy, tactics, respect, empathy, understanding, Avner Netanyahu, Roy Neuman.

Meta Description: Is protesting at a politician’s son’s wedding an effective way to bring about change, or is it counterproductive? Roy Neuman, a prominent social activist, argues that such actions are among the worst things one can do. Read more to find out why.

Header Tags:

H1: Protesting at a Politician’s Son’s Wedding: Is it Effective or Harmful?

H2: The Moral and Practical Implications of Protesting at a Politician’s Son’s Wedding

H2: The Importance of Strategy and Tactics in Social Activism

H2: The Need for Inclusive and Respectful Activism

H2: The Wedding of Avner Netanyahu: A Test Case for Social Activism?

H2: Conclusion



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