Tensions in relationships and work

See the zodiac signs of the week


GENERALLY: At the beginning of the week there will be tensions in almost all levels of your daily life. Controversies and arguments with people in your family environment upset you and disorient you. You see, Mars in your sign knows how to get on your nerves.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Tensions will also exist at work, only here you will have to avoid them, if you do not want to interrupt, perhaps permanently, partnerships that have proven to be profitable over time. Beware of unexpected expenses and reckless spending.

RELATIONSHIPS: And with relationships things are not better. Perhaps it would be better to give way to anger, unless of course you find it a good opportunity to get rid of relationships that have tired you. Those of you who don’t have a partner are quite intense in your claims and that’s scary.


GENERALLY: Family issues, which began to be resolved from the 5th of the month, seem to be progressing smoothly and according to your expectations. This is good and keep doing it as it brings results. Friends will always be there for you, no matter what.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Be careful when you decide to follow a plan of action in your business, because those same decisions that you think are right can bring tensions between your partners. Financial stability.

RELATIONSHIPS: Intense atmosphere around all of you who are looking for a partner. The “casting” is not over yet and the ideal love has not appeared. Be patient and don’t be disappointed. Stable relationships are renewed.


GENERALLY: You will make changes and rearrangements among your friendly environment. Your selection criteria are now different than before. According to them, friends will have to meet stricter conditions in order to be able to stand by you.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Information will reach your ears that seems necessary in order for your plans to develop as you have imagined them. Your colleagues are very pleased with the way you handle business affairs.

RELATIONSHIPS: Revelations about either your partner or loved ones continue to arrive incessantly. How you process them and how you evaluate them depends on how attached you are to these persons and how willing you are to forgive them.


GENERALLY: Try to keep up the pretense, because it is very possible to create rifts in relationships that may be important to you. Give way to anger, tone it down and stop complaining, because you’re not going to get anything done.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Enough background in your workplace. Not only have the problems continued since the 5th of the month, but they will continue for a long time to come. The only way to avoid all this is to be on vacation.

RELATIONSHIPS: There will also be upheavals in relationships, not so much from the background as from revelations about your partner, which will create feelings of jealousy, perhaps even insecurity. If the relationships are newly formed, skip it.


GENERALLY: As the days go by, you rest, relax and give importance to what is really worth in your life. Your inner tension is also less, perhaps you have found a way to relax. So, it’s time to do something about your health and fitness.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Controversies in the labor sector ended, some good and some “awful”. The good thing is that you’ve cleared the landscape in your partnerships, keeping the people who know exactly what you’re asking for to get your job done right.

RELATIONSHIPS: You will need to sort out some misunderstandings with people surrounding your relationship, which will have an impact on your partner. In order to avoid a potential rift, it’s a good idea to give way to anger.


GENERALLY: You’ve taken a break since the beginning of the month and you’re letting go of everything you’ve been holding on to and pressing on you. You have cleared the landscape, in relationships, friendships, professionally, and even in your social environment, and you continue unscathed.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Your personal issues also affect your professional life. This, however, is something you should avoid confusing, because the consequences are not only about your partnerships but also about your finances.

RELATIONSHIPS: Some tensions in your relationships will take you off the beaten track. Look for the causes of your problems both in your behavior and in your partner’s reactions. Together, you are much more likely to come up with solutions.


GENERALLY: You have a tendency to create tension with anything and anyone. Friends hesitate to talk to you because when they do, they have to deal with your anger and yelling.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Some partners, colleagues or even business partners may seem manipulative towards you and this is something that will displease you and even enrage you. All you can do is push them away if that doesn’t create consequences.

RELATIONSHIPS: Put the weight of your attention on your loved ones and leave aside tensions and arguments. Your relationships have a very good chance of being renewed during this time, so don’t let the opportunity go to waste.


GENERALLY: Contacts with people from your friendly and family environment give you joy and satisfaction. With some of these faces you will be given the opportunity to get much closer than before and this is even more pleasant.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Some of your obligations, unfortunately, will have to go further back, in order to arrange some other more urgent ones. Your partnerships prove to be lucrative, but don’t give in to big promises.

RELATIONSHIPS: The atmosphere in relationships is tense and this is due to your own insecurity. If you don’t want to ruin your existing relationships, it’s a good idea to calm down and not let your obsessions dictate your wants and desires.


GENERALLY: Flexibility is essential in order not to spoil your good mood. Your good mood will also be needed to settle some bureaucratic obligations, which may irritate you with delays.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Your financial needs are greater during this period, but this does not seem to deter you too much. You don’t give up and that’s good for your professional life as well as your partnerships, which can turn out to be quite lucrative.

RELATIONSHIPS: Although you prefer solitude, even if you are in a relationship, you should still pay attention to the emotional needs of both yours and your partner. Those of you who are single are flirting with your soul, but keeping in mind that the great love has not yet arrived.


GENERALLY: Polyastry in your sign can create an intense atmosphere around you. However, you should not be intimidated by this. Keeping your cool will resolve your issues quickly and easily.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: The planetary setting will help you sort out financial issues that have gotten out of your control recently. This, in addition to satisfaction, will also give you a decent bank account…

RELATIONSHIPS: A person, who you have singled out, among a large number of acquaintances, inspires you to make the big decision to finally enter into a relationship. Those of you who are single can still enjoy summer love.


GENERALLY: Pay particular attention to matters concerning your home and family, for these are high on the list of more general discords that may arise from an inexplicable inner tension. Keep your voice down and don’t be confrontational anymore.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: It is time to negotiate better working conditions with your superiors and this may lead you to quarrels with them. Claim smart and don’t try to outdo…

RELATIONSHIPS: Your partner’s needs matter to you during this time, which means you put yourself second. This way, however, balance will come between you and your partner and relationships will be renewed.


GENERALLY: This week, it is very likely that extraordinary obligations will appear, which do not concern you exclusively but people in your close environment. It is not obligatory to undertake them, but it is also not possible to refuse. Good courage!

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: You put your professional obligations and priorities in order and this relieves you quite a bit from the tension of the days. It is very likely that a professional opportunity will present itself that will be difficult for you to say no to.

RELATIONSHIPS: The climate is changing in your relationships. For those of you who are single and looking for a partner, the opportunities are good and dating meets your requirements. Those in relationships renew through a trip or vacation.

#Tensions #relationships #work



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