Tennis: Kilian Feldbausch dominates Hüsler on ATP debut

This is a made-to-measure debut! In his first appearance at the ATP level, Kilian Feldbausch (16) beats a top 200 player in Marc-Andrea Hüsler (ATP 183). 7:5, 6:0 is the result at the end. Despite the great victory, he remains calm: “I’m very happy and satisfied with my performance. I stayed aggressive and it paid off.”

While things are still tight in the first sentence, the teenager from Geneva gets into a frenzy right at the beginning of the second, performs with determination and places his powerful punches precisely. At Hüsler, on the other hand, numerous mistakes creep in – especially following Feldbausch’s break to make it 2-0. “He played well in the first set. After I won the first set, I gained confidence and it went down a bit.”



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