Ten Thousand Villages Project: Transforming Rural Areas in China’s Revitalization Journey

2023-06-16 14:26:00

What kind of “project” can lead the “thousands of changes” in the revitalization of China’s rural areas?

In 2003, in the land of Zhijiang, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, personally investigated, deployed, and promoted the “Thousand Village Demonstration, Ten Thousand Village Renovation” project. Ecological enrichment project.

In 2018, on the United Nations awards platform, the “Thousand Villages Demonstration, Ten Thousand Villages Renovation” project (hereinfollowing referred to as “Ten Thousand Villages Project”) won the highest environmental protection honor – “Earth Guardian Award”.

20 years of long-term work, 20 years of continuous efforts. Today, the “Ten Thousand Project” has created thousands of “beautiful villages”, which not only profoundly changed the appearance of Zhejiang’s rural areas, but also played an important role in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the improvement of the rural living environment in all parts of the country. The Chinese-style modernization road of harmony and symbiosis provides practical samples and “flowing water from the source”.

  Pay attention to “time and trend”, unify “long-term” and “present”——

Back in time, in Zhejiang in the past, the gap between urban and rural areas gradually widened, and the living environment problems in rural areas emerged. Only 4,000 villages had a good environment, and the remaining 30,000 villages generally had a poor environment.

After Xi Jinping took office, he immediately launched an in-depth investigation. For more than a year, he went to 90 counties and cities in the province, and carefully inspected each village. He was keenly aware of the problems existing in the local rural areas.

How to change the concept of development and adjust the way of development—the “ten million project” came into being.

During his work in Zhejiang, Xi Jinping personally formulated the target requirements and working mechanism of the “Ten Thousand Project” and made important deployments – selecting regarding 10,000 administrative villages from the nearly 40,000 villages in the province for comprehensive renovation, and 1,000 of them The central villages on the left and right will be built into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages.

Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has always adhered to the spirit of “success does not depend on me”, draws a blueprint to the end, and constantly explores the balance between development and protection.

People live up to the green hills, and the green hills must live up to people. Today, through the improvement of the living environment, good ecology has become a “green business card” for local development. Zhejiang Anji Yu Village was rated as “the best tourist village” by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. The local area focuses on building Tianhuangping Town, Shanchuan Township, and Shangshu In the large scenic spot of Yucun Township, the collective economic income of the village reached 13.05 million yuan last year, and the per capita income of villagers reached 64,000 yuan.

“Rural construction must be carried out quickly, steadily and steadily, and work hard for a long time. When I was working in Zhejiang, I started from ‘thousand villages demonstration, ten thousand villages renovation’. The previous provincial party committees and provincial governments worked hard to the end with a blueprint. More than ten years of hard work have made Great changes have taken place in the rural landscape,” Xi Jinping said.

In the choice of “grasping the present” and “grasping the long-term”, the “ten million project” has achieved “breaking the problem”.

  Focus on the combination of “point and surface”, “one domain” and “global”——

Demonstration leading, overall promotion, deepening and upgrading, transformation and upgrading… From “thousand villages demonstration” to “thousands of villages rectification”, and then to “thousands of villages to the future, tens of thousands of villages to achieve common prosperity”, the “Ten Thousands of Projects” is gradually iteratively upgraded and continuously deepen.

——Prominent problem-oriented, “10 million project” in order to change the “dirty, messy, scattered, poor” situation that prevails in rural areas, promote the “toilet revolution”, “garbage revolution” and “sewage revolution”;

——Prominent the orientation of the people, closely follow the urgent difficulties and worries of the people’s life and production, the “ten million project” takes into account the practical benefits and development needs, introduces diversified business formats, strengthens living security, and promotes the return of funds and talents;

——Prominent goal orientation, taking the construction of rural human settlements as a breakthrough point, the “ten million project” has stimulated the rural revitalization and development chain with prosperous industries and ecological livability, and gradually promoted the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas and the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

One child falls and the other is full. The “ten million project” also connects dots into a line, and connects dots to an area, radiating from “one domain” to “global”.

In Zhejiang today, in 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents will be 37,565 yuan, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year; 70 beautiful rural demonstration counties and 2,170 characteristic boutique villages have been built, and the coverage rate of beautiful rural areas in the new era has reached 93%.

Starting from the “ten million project” and taking rural revitalization as the starting point, this development path provides directions for Zhejiang’s high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone, provides experience and examples for rural revitalization in my country, and also provides Chinese solutions for global ecological environment governance.

  Focus on “knowledge and action”, “green water and green mountains” are “golden mountains and silver mountains”——

In Xi Jinping’s investigation and research footprints, a distinct theme runs through it-the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

On August 15, 2005, Xi Jinping visited Yucun, Anji, and spoke highly of Yucun’s practice of closing the mining area and taking the road of green development.

After the inspection, Xi Jinping published the article “Green Waters and Green Mountains Are Golden Mountains and Silver Mountains” in Zhejiang Daily’s “Zhijiang Xinyu” column.

In 2020, when I came to Yucun once more, General Secretary Xi Jinping urged that the concept of “lucid waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains” has become the consensus and action of the whole party and the whole society, and has become an important part of the new development concept. Practice has proved that economic development cannot be at the cost of destroying the ecology. The ecology itself is the economy, and protecting the ecology is the development of productivity.

Learn investigation and research methods from the “ten million project” – the successful implementation of this project is derived from the in-depth investigation of the actual situation and the long-term practice of “unity of knowledge, faith and action”, which confirms the principle of seeking practical results and pragmatic achievements research methods.

Explore the path of rural revitalization from the “ten million project” – this project is in Zhejiang and China, and the practical results have written a vivid footnote for the concept of “green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains”.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China listed “promoting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature” as one of the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization.

In Inner Mongolia, the focus is on desertification prevention and control; in Shanxi, the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin is concerned; in Guangdong, we enter the Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve…Since this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made frequent in-depth local inspections, insisting on green development and overall planning The management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems is still a consistent focus.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, a beautiful rural landscape is slowly unfolding from the land of Zhejiang, and a magnificent picture of the construction of a beautiful China will also be drawn.Ren Lin

责编:袁晴 ]

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