Temptation Island, Antonio rejected by Saretta and Titty’s comment: "What a piece of shit, it’s karma" – Fanpage.it

On Temptation Island Antonio asks the single Saretta to spend time together, getting a “no” as an answer. The refusal is commented on by Titty: “I’m the only idiot who took you. What a pole he gave you.”

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On the Tuesday 15 October episode of Temptation Island, Titty she is surrounded by the affection of her companions, but not only that. The girl fears for her future outside the broadcast but to console her there is the single Edoardo, who assures her that she can always count on them. The closeness between the two irritates Antonio, her boyfriend. The latter, however, he also suffers from the rejection of the single Saretta: “If you leave, I’ll leave too. I wasn’t looking for friendship from you“.

Titty together with the single Edoardo, Antonio’s reaction: “He acts as her psychologist”

You make me emotional. When you pay me a compliment I get emotional, my boyfriend has never paid me one in three years – Titty confesses to Edoardo, who had organized a visit to a greenhouse – I love you too much“. Antonio, after watching the video, criticizes the boy: “With that hair he can only be a gardener. It seems that he acts as a psychologist, as a spiritual doctor, as a coach”. Then he admits: “She feels desired and I’m pleased, the two of us live as if we were brother and sister“. Called for the second time in the pinnettu, Antonio discovers that Edoardo has booked a massage for her and hears his girlfriend confess: “I have a person next to me who tells me that I’m ugly, who if I tell her that I’m ugly confirms it“. Antonio, then, when he sees the two intent on cooking meatballs together, blurts out: “They suck, it makes them raw in the center. My mom’s are better, she doesn’t make them the same“. Antonio then comments on Titty’s behavior with the other engaged couples: “He gets complex. She doesn’t want to go out because she says her clothes from three years ago no longer fit. I tell her she’s complex“.

Antonio rejected by the single Saretta: “If you leave, I’ll leave too”

Antonio’s proposal to spend time with Saretta is rejected: “I don’t want to delude you that there can be more than a beautiful friendship“. The scene is commented by Titty: “What a pole he took“. When Saretta communicates her intention to leave the village, Antonio opposes: “If you leave, I’ll leave too. I wasn’t looking for friendship from you“. Once again, Titty sentences: “I’m the only idiot who got you. Jesus is great, what he did to me is happening to him.” With the other girlfriends, he adds: “Karma exists. What a piece of shit. I feel sorry for it. I never made him feel wrong, he did for three years. I want to feel happy here“.

The Hilarious and Heartbreaking Antics of Temptation Island!

Oh, dear readers, gather round as we dive into the ludicrous world of Temptation Island—the reality show where relationships go to be tested, roasted, and thoroughly confused! Picture this: Antonio is on a one-man mission to charm the single Saretta, only to be slapped with a big ol’ “no”—much to the amusement of his girlfriend, Titty. Honestly, if rejection was an Olympic sport, Antonio would have a gold medal by now!

Titty’s Aiming High, or Maybe Just Low?

This week, on the 15th of October, Titty found herself surrounded by her pals—bless her heart—while also navigating the minefield that is her relationship with Antonio. Now, it seems that when comfort comes knocking, it arrives in the package of Edoardo, who is basically treating Titty like his own personal therapist. Antonio, meanwhile, is watching all of this unfold like a sad puppy left out in the rain. When Titty spills her emotional woes to Edoardo—bless her—comparing him to her boyfriend who hasn’t complimented her in three years, you can almost hear Antonio’s heart shatter like a cheap vase! “With that hair, he can only be a gardener!” Oh, Antonio, darling, it’s called jealousy—the green-eyed monster has arrived!

The Drama Thickens: Antonio’s Desperate Plea

As we delve deeper into the cauldron of chaos, things heat up when Saretta drops a truth bomb on Antonio, stating, “I don’t want to delude you that there can be more than a beautiful friendship”. Titty, ever the comedic commentator, calls it like it is: “What a pole he took!” Well, you know the old saying: if you can’t take the heat, stay away from the kitchen—or in Antonio’s case, the entire island!

But Antonio, bless him, responds with: “If you leave, I’ll leave too. I wasn’t looking for friendship from you,” which is just about the most melodramatic way to say, “Woe is me!” Seriously, Antonio, save some of that for the soap operas. And don’t get me started on Titty’s commentary about karma; it’s like she’s just waiting for it to smack Antonio upside the head—hard!

A Recipe for Disaster: Cooking Meatballs and Emotions

Now, in a truly bizarre twist, we have Titty and Edoardo cooking meatballs—because nothing says romance like mixing ingredients and emotional baggage. While Antonio sits back and watches, he quips: “They suck, it makes them raw in the center!”—my, my, someone’s not only critical of the relationship but also the culinary skills on the island. You have to admire his dedication to comfort food, but c’mon man, focus on your love life getting grilled here!

Concluding Thoughts: The Irony of It All

While Titty appears to be actively enjoying her time with the lovely Edoardo, Antonio’s moping around like a star-crossed lover in a tragedy. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions and a slapstick comedy all at once! So, the moral of the story? Perhaps if Antonio had put in just a bit more effort on the emotional front over the last three years, he wouldn’t be swimming with the sharks of heartbreak now! But hey, what’s reality TV without a bit of chaos, confusion, and a whole lot of laughs?

Stay tuned for the next episode, dear readers, because if this journey has taught us anything, it’s that relationships can be just as confusing as cooking raw meatballs!



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