Telenet will implement major changes for customers: “From November 17” – Redactie24

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“We are talking about the decoder, what we also call the set-top box,” said Bart Boone, Telenet’s spokesman, in the Radio2 program ‘WinWin’. “Thanks to that box you can watch TV digitally.”

“We work with three different generations. We call the oldest the digiboxes and digicorders. We call a second generation the Telenet TV box. And the newest generation, we call it the TV box IP.”

“Whether you have purchased a box or are renting one, you do not have to worry at all. That box will still work. At the same time, it is important to make an analogy with a smartphone or a computer: you know that these devices have a have a limited lifespan. This actually also applies to those TV boxes.”

“The rental model is not only in our interest, but also in the interest of the customers. We want to avoid them being left with an outdated device at some point. If you purchase that device, that chance exists. With the rental model we can at the right time – depending on the life cycle of those devices – to ensure that the customer can exchange his old device for a new one free of charge.”

Renting a TV box costs 10.95 euros per month, or less with a bundle

We think 10.95 euros per month is a fair price,” said Boone. “These are actually service costs. You can exchange the device free of charge at any time if there is a defect. The price also includes the fact that we can very easily perform software updates on that device and ensure that you can make maximum use of all the functionalities and applications in your bundle.”

“If you have a ONE bundle, or any other bundle, the rental of the first decoder is included in the price. If we talk about a second decoder, it is 5.27 euros per month.”

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The Decoder Dilemma: Telenet’s TV Box Rental Explained

Ah, the joys of modern technology! We’ve leapt from black-and-white televisions to flat-screen wonderland, and now we find ourselves faced with the puzzle of the decoder, or as the trendy kids call it, the set-top box. Telenet’s own Bart Boone spilled the beans on Radio2’s ‘WinWin’ about how this magical box lets you watch TV digitally. It’s like opening a window to the world, except that window is really just a box with too many wires!

Generational Gaps in Television

Boone shared that Telenet’s family of TV boxes is more confusing than a family reunion – we have the ancient relics known as digiboxes and digicorders, the middle child called the Telenet TV box, and the shiny new toy, the TV box IP. It’s a miracle that one box can do more than just sit on your shelf collecting dust, right?

Now, whether you’ve splashed cash on your box or you’re just renting the contraption, worry not dear viewer; your precious box isn’t going to stop working anytime soon. But here comes the kicker: Boone likens these boxes to smartphones or computers, suggesting they too have a limited lifespan. So basically, if your TV box were a pet, it would be a hamster – cute, but the lifespan is about two years or so before it goes to wire heaven!

The Rental Revolution

Let’s talk turkey – or, in this case, euros. Renting one of these digital boxes will set you back 10.95 euros a month. Now, you might be wondering if Boone has lost the plot here. But wait! It’s all about avoiding the horror of being left with an outdated device. In the same way that you wouldn’t buy last season’s iPhone, Telenet assures you can switch your box for a newer model whenever it starts showing signs of age – you know, like when it starts talking back or refuses to connect to anything!

Modernizing Your TV Experience

Boone claims this rental setup is quite the deal considering it covers service costs as well. What does that mean? If your box malfunctions, it’s a no-brainer – just swap it out without additional fees. Plus, with renting, you get those lovely software updates automatically, ensuring you’re not stuck in a digital dark age while your neighbor brags about her new Netflix feature. I mean, nobody wants to be THAT person!

If you’re in the mood for a pack of goodies like the ONE bundle, the first decoder comes included in the price – which is as good an offer as a free doughnut at a police station. And speaking of evil siblings, a second decoder will cost you a mere 5.27 euros per month. What a steal!

Final Thoughts

In summary, Telenet has really put a great spin on the TV box rental market. Sure, it costs a bit upfront, but avoiding the headache of skyrocketing device obsolescence seems like a smart play for the average viewer. Just remember – the next time you plug in that box, you’re not just watching TV; you’re part of the future! And if all else fails, at least you’ll have a fancy paperweight!

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