In anticipation of the very likely introduction of a premium subscription, the Telegram messenger decided to change its marketing policy: the slogan “free forever” is being replaced by a more streamlined wording regarding free unlimited cloud storage and chat. This was noticed by application researcher Alessandro Paluzzi.
The official Telegram mobile client, when launched for the first time following installation, shows a set of English-language slides, which, among other things, say: Telegram is free forever. Without . No subscription fee”. However, as previously reported, the service will still expand the monetization program, and a subscription will be added to – for now knownthat it will include exclusive stickers and reactions. Now, slides of new content have been found in the code of the future version of the application: the service no longer promises to remain “free forever”.
Alessandro Paluzzi reported in twitterthat in the section with translations for client applications of the messenger, the old text of the slide has changed to the new one: “Telegram offers free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media files”. Nothing has been said regarding the premium subscription yet, but it is very likely that such changes are caused by it.
It is still difficult to say when the updated slogan will debut in the release of the application – perhaps along with the announcement of the subscription, but with the current version (8.7.4) of the client for Android, the old version of the slide is still on the way.
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