Telegram was kicked out for making big talk after kneeling down to the government for handing over user data-ePrice.HK

At present, many instant messaging programs advertise that they provide peer-to-peer encryption to protect users’ communications from being leaked. Among them, Telegram, headquartered in Dubai, claims that no matter whether users use E2EE encryption or not, the relevant government requires the handing over of user information. They will abide by high standards, and Telegram also said that it has never surrendered information to any government.

Being kicked out by the German media for talking big

However, the German “Der Spiegel” recently kicked out Telegram and made a big talk. They quoted sources as saying that Telegram, in response to the request of the German Federal Criminal Police, has provided a variety of information related to terrorists and child abuse suspects, but some criminal cases Data requests were ignored by Telegram. According to Telegram’s official website, no user data has been handed over to third parties, including the government. In Telegram’s privacy policy, which was last revised in 2018, it is stipulated that users’ IP addresses and phone numbers will not be handed over to the relevant authorities unless a search warrant is received for terrorism-related offences.

Under pressure from the German government to solve it on its own

Although Telegram once promised to issue a report on information disclosure every six months, it has never been formally implemented. The report mentioned that the German government had put pressure on Telegram earlier, hoping that they might cooperate with the investigation into the use of the platform by extreme right-wing organizations to spread information and organize actions. It is said that Telegram finally blocked relevant users and groups by itself, which resulted in the request of the relevant authorities. Similar. Some media tried to contact Telegram for a response following the report was published, but no response has been received so far.




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