Telegram Introduces Stories Feature: A Look into the Messaging App’s Latest Update

2023-06-27 07:06:39
Watan: The CEO of the instant messaging service Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced the addition of the Stories feature to the application, and it will begin to be offered to all users in early July. Dorov said, through a post on his official channel, that Telegram initially opposed adding the Stories feature, but repeated requests from users regarding this feature made Telegram reconsider its adoption and meet user requests. The Stories feature in the Telegram app will work with the same mechanism as in popular social media apps, and users will be able to select who can view stories, either everyone, all contacts, selected contacts, or a list of close friends. The application will provide many tools for editing photos and videos, with the ability to write sentences or phrases in the text accompanying stories, in addition to links or referring to other users using their identifiers. The stories published through the application will be displayed at the top of the conversations in an expandable and collapsible space, with the ability to hide some stories when needed. Users can add photos and videos using the front and back cameras together at the same time, and they can control when stories expire, from 6 hours to 48 hours, with the option to keep them displayed permanently on the profile page, as is the case in Instagram. Channel owners will also be able to publish stories to be visible to all subscribers of the channel, and they can send content from within the channel to stories, to enhance the reach of subscribers. The Stories feature has existed in different forms and names for years in most social media applications, and it will finally become available in the Telegram application, which has more than 700 million monthly active users.
#Telegram #officially #announces #addition #Stories #feature

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