Pavel Durov, CEO of the world-famous messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France. He has been accused of not censoring anti-Israel content on his messaging app.
Russian-born French billionaire Pavel Durov was arrested when he arrived at Paris’ Bourgeois airport in his private jet.
There is complete silence regarding the arrest of Pavel Durov. The French Ministry of Interior and the police have refrained from saying anything, while the management of the Telegram app has also refrained from saying anything.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has said that the Russian Embassy in Paris is seeking an explanation from the French government in this regard, while non-governmental organizations in the West are being urged to raise their voice for the release of Pavel Durov.
#Telegram #app #chief #arrested #censoring #antiIsrael #data #World
2024-08-27 22:46:53