Tefi Valenzuela: what happened with Anderson Santamaría, what is her advice to Pamela López | wants to get married video showbiz | ENTERTAINMENT

Tefi Valenzuela has recently released her song ‘Este dolor’, inspired by her experiences with past partners, dedicated to anyone who has suffered from love and heartbreak. The singer from Arequipa confesses that she has also been a victim of infidelity and advises women not to fight over a man who does not appreciate them.

Infidelity is a prevalent issue not just in the entertainment industry but in all social classes, although it is more noticeable in the public eye of celebrities.

Have you ever found out that an ex-partner was unfaithful to you? How did you cope with it?

Yes, they were unfaithful to me. I believe no one can escape betrayal and heartbreak, but time heals all wounds.

Is it wise to give a second chance to someone who betrays your trust and destroys the foundation of your relationship?

The decision to give a second chance depends on the individual. In my case, I wouldn’t, but I acknowledge that it might be more complex when children and a family are involved.

Do you think society judges unfaithful men and women differently?

There is still a double standard where women are judged more harshly for infidelity than men. Regardless of gender, betraying someone’s trust is always wrong.

Should two women compete for a man’s affection?

I don’t believe women should have to compete for a man’s love. If a man is playing two women, he does not deserve either of them. It is better to move on and find someone who values you.

After a breakup, is it necessary to have zero contact to move on?

Maintaining zero contact following a breakup is essential not just to avoid lingering feelings but also to break free from the past and focus on moving forward.

Is ‘good timing’ a factor in your life, or do you prefer clarity from the start?

I am not familiar with the concept of ‘good timing’ as it is commonly used here. I prefer clear communication, being upfront to understand each other’s intentions. If someone is unclear regarding their feelings, it is best to know early on.

Tefi Valenzuela opens up to Trome (Photo: Instagram / tefivalenzuela)

How do you sustain a relationship in three words?

Trust, commitment, understanding.

What qualities are important for someone to win your heart?

There are many qualities, but besides physical attraction, mental stability and personal growth are crucial to me. I do not want someone with unresolved issues.

Is Anderson Santamaría still a friend? Why didn’t it turn into a romantic relationship?

He is a friend and nothing more, I believe nothing romantic happened due to circumstances…

Do you dream of getting married and having children?

I definitely hope to get married soon and perhaps have children in the future.

Would you like to have a traditional white wedding?

Yes, I would like a white wedding for sentimental reasons, but I want to share it with someone who is equally committed to our life together.’

You recently released the music video for ‘Este dolor’ with powerful lyrics that resonate with many, including Pamela López. Any advice for her?

I believe my latest song resonates with Pamela and countless other women, my advice is to remember that life goes on and better things are ahead. Have a moment of closure, listen to my song, and move forward.


Tefi Valenzuela, a talented singer from Arequipa, has recently released her new song ‘Este dolor’, inspired by her personal experiences with heartbreak and love. The emotional lyrics of the song resonate with anyone who has gone through similar situations. In a recent interview, Tefi opened up regarding her own experiences with infidelity and shared her thoughts on relationships and forgiveness.

Infidelity is a common issue not only in the entertainment industry but also in everyday life. Tefi acknowledges that she has been cheated on in the past, but believes that time heals all wounds. She advises women not to fight over a man who doesn’t value them, emphasizing the importance of self-respect and moving on from toxic relationships.

When it comes to giving a second chance to someone who has betrayed your trust, Tefi believes that it ultimately depends on the individual and their circumstances. While she personally wouldn’t give a second chance to a cheater, she understands that the decision can be more complicated for those with children and families involved.

In society, infidelity is often viewed differently based on gender, with women often facing more scrutiny for their actions. Tefi believes that cheating is wrong regardless of gender and emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and trust in a relationship.

Tefi also shares her views on competition for love, emphasizing that no one should have to compete for someone’s affection. She believes that if a man is playing games and dating multiple people, it’s best to walk away and find someone who values and respects you.

Maintaining a healthy relationship, according to Tefi, requires trust, commitment, and understanding. She also values mental well-being and personal growth in a partner, highlighting the importance of resolving personal issues before entering a relationship.

In terms of future plans, Tefi expresses her desire to get married and start a family. She envisions a traditional white wedding dress but emphasizes that she wants a partner who is equally passionate regarding life.

Through her music video for ‘Este dolor’, Tefi offers advice to women like Pamela López who may be going through heartbreak. She encourages them to take care of themselves, listen to her song, and embrace the future with hope and positivity.

In conclusion, Tefi Valenzuela’s music and personal experiences with love and heartbreak offer valuable insights for anyone navigating the complexities of relationships. Her candidness and honest reflections on infidelity and forgiveness serve as a reminder of the importance of self-love and respect in any relationship.



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