TEF 2024: New Heightened Security Measures and Traffic Regulations Announced

TEF 2024: New Heightened Security Measures and Traffic Regulations Announced

“Fortress” reminds Thessaloniki of the opening of the 88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki (TIF), on Saturday (7/9) by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The Greek Police are on alert to ensure security in the co-capital, while the large volume of gatherings is expected to take place on the opening day of the Exhibition.

For the implementation of the measures, all the available forces of Thessaloniki will be on foot, while it is expected that detachments will be moved from neighboring prefectures, as well as from services of Attica.

The powerful forces of EL.AS

According to the plan so far, strong squads will be deployed in central streets of Thessaloniki, from where the planned demonstrations will pass, while an air helicopter of EL.AS. and drones will monitor their progress and give a live image to the EL.AS Operations Center, in the city’s Police Headquarters. There will be the staff members of EL.AS. that will coordinate the movements of the police forces, while the implementation of the measures will be supervised by two prosecutors (one in the Operations Center and the other in the city center).

As in previous years, around the I. Vellidis Conference Center, police cages and railings are expected to be deployed to prevent the movement of demonstrators towards the International Exhibition Center, while “Aiantas”, the police water cannon. In addition, uniformed personnel will be assigned to guard fixed targets, i.e. building facilities – especially – of foreign authorities, such as the American consulate as well as the German one (since Germany is this year’s honored country at the TIF).

On Saturday the big demonstrations

The participation in Saturday’s demonstrations by unions, collectives, organizations and political movements is expected to be massive. So far, officially, the following gatherings have been announced (they are scheduled for the afternoon and will be followed by marches): At 6 p.m. GSEE and ADEDY are calling for a gathering, at the Statue of Venizelos, while half an hour earlier is the call of PAME in Chanth Square. In Kamara (6 p.m.) people close to the extra-parliamentary left and the wider anti-authoritarian space will gather.

The curtain on the mobilizations opens tomorrow, Friday, at 8:30 in the morning, the workers in the public hospitals (POEDIN gathering at the Hippocrates Hospital), while the “baton” will be taken at 6 in the afternoon by the Security Forces who address a call for a gathering in White Tower Square.

Traffic regulations

In the meantime, the traffic regulations announced by the Thessaloniki Traffic Directorate, in view of the opening of the 88th TIF, are put into effect from today (and until Sunday afternoon), starting with the measure of the prohibition of stopping and parking on Stratou Avenue and the street September 3rd. This measure will be extended from tomorrow morning to Angelaki and Ethn streets. Amynis, in parts of Agios Dimitriou, Gr. Lambraki streets, as well as in Armenopoulou, N. Germanos and Iasonidou streets.

From 3 pm on Saturday, moreover, (depending on the development of the mobilizations and until their completion) a universal traffic ban will apply in the center of Thessaloniki and in particular on the following streets: Stratou Avenue (from Kavtanzoglou to Hanth Square), September 3rd (from M. Alexandrou to Agios Dimitrios), Bas. Olgas (from M. Botsaris to Agia Triados), Vas. Georgiou (from Agia Triados to M. Andronikos), Nikis Avenue, Kountourioti, K. Karamanli (from Katsimidis to C’ September), Egnatia (from Lagada until September 3), Ethn. Amyni (from Agios Dimitrios to White Tower Square), Tsimiski, Agios Dimitrios (from Lagadas to Stefanos Dragoumis), Agia Sofia (from Egnatia to Agia Sophia Square, as well as around Agia Sophia Square), Pavlou Mela and El. Venizelou.

As announced by the Traffic Authority, the movement of vehicles will be conducted by alternative routes (from east to west via Katsimidis – Ring Road – Agios Dimitrios – Olympiados and from west to east via Lagadas – Ring Road – Agios Dimitrios), while traffic wardens will be at key points and will regulate traffic. Changes are also expected to be made to city bus routes.

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#TEF #Draconian #security #measures #traffic #regulations

Here are⁢ some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title‌ “TIF: Understanding ⁢the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki and Its Impact​ on the City”:

TIF: Understanding the‍ International‌ Exhibition of Thessaloniki and ‍Its Impact on the City

The ⁢88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki (TIF) is scheduled to open on Saturday, September 7, 2023, with ⁣Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis ⁤in attendance. In preparation⁢ for this significant event, the Greek⁤ Police have implemented enhanced security measures to ensure‌ public safety and order in the co-capital of Thessaloniki.

Security Measures

To ensure a smooth and secure event,⁤ the police have mobilized all available⁤ forces in Thessaloniki, with additional detachments from neighboring prefectures and Attica expected to be deployed. Strong squads will be stationed in central streets, while an air helicopter and⁣ drones ‍will monitor the demonstrations ⁤and provide live footage to the EL.AS⁣ Operations ⁣Center. The implementation of these measures will be supervised by two prosecutors, one at the ⁢Operations Center‌ and the other in ‌the city center.

Demonstrations and Gatherings

The opening day of the TIF is expected to⁣ see massive‌ participation in demonstrations​ and gatherings by unions, collectives, ⁣organizations, and‍ political ​movements. Several gatherings have been announced, including a GSEE and‍ ADEDY gathering at the Statue⁤ of Venizelos, a PAME gathering in‍ Chanth Square, ⁤and a gathering‌ by the extra-parliamentary left and⁢ anti-authoritarian⁣ space in Kamara. Other gatherings and marches are also scheduled ‍to take place throughout the day.

Traffic Regulations

To ensure‌ a smooth traffic flow, the Thessaloniki Traffic Directorate has announced traffic regulations effective from September 6 to⁣ September 8.⁣ These regulations ⁢include the prohibition ⁣of stopping and parking on certain ​streets, including Stratou Avenue and September 3rd Street. Alternative routes have been designated ⁣to redirect traffic, and traffic wardens ⁤will​ be stationed at key points to‌ regulate‌ traffic.

Impact on the City

The TIF is expected to have a significant impact on the ⁢city of Thessaloniki, with large crowds ​and demonstrations anticipated. The‌ Greek Police are working to‌ ensure ​public safety and order, while the Traffic Directorate is implementing measures ‌to minimize traffic congestion. Despite the challenges, the TIF is an​ important event ⁢for ‍the city, promoting economic growth, innovation, and cultural exchange.

the 88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki is a significant event that requires careful planning and execution.⁤ By understanding the security measures, demonstrations,⁣ and⁣ traffic regulations in place, visitors⁢ and ⁤residents can navigate the city with ease and⁣ enjoy the many exhibits, events, and cultural experiences that the TIF⁣ has to offer.

Note: TIF (Tax Increment Financing) is ​also a term used in⁤ the⁢ context​ of urban development and financing, referring to a‌ public ⁣financing method used⁣ to fund ‌infrastructure projects. For more ‍information on TIF ⁢in this context, visit this link or watch this video. You can also access the TIF Illumination Project for in-depth ‌reports and‍ analysis on TIF here.

Helexpo 2024

Thessaloniki International Fair 2024: A Hub of Economic Activity and Critical Sectors

The Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), one of Greece’s most significant economic events, is set to take place on Saturday, September 7, 2024, in Thessaloniki, the country’s second-largest city [[2]]. This year’s exhibition will focus on modern challenges and critical sectors of the economy, highlighting new technological advancements and innovations [[1]]. The Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will officially open the 88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, which is expected to attract a large number of visitors and exhibitors.

Security Measures in Place

To ensure the safety and security of attendees, the Greek Police have implemented comprehensive measures to prevent any untoward incidents. All available forces in Thessaloniki will be deployed, with additional detachments from neighboring prefectures and Attica also being mobilized [[3]]. Strong squads will be stationed in central streets, while an air helicopter and drones will monitor the progress of planned demonstrations, providing a live image to the EL.AS Operations Center. Two prosecutors will supervise the implementation of these measures, one in the Operations Center and the other in the city center.

Demonstrations and Protests

Several unions, collectives, organizations, and political movements have announced their participation in Saturday’s demonstrations, which are expected to be massive. The General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and the Civil Servants’ Confederation (ADEDY) will gather at the Statue of Venizelos at 6 pm, while the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) will assemble at Chanth Square at 5:30 pm. Another gathering is planned at Kamara at 6 pm, with people from the extra-parliamentary left and anti-authoritarian groups expected to attend.

Traffic Regulations

To minimize disruptions and ensure smooth traffic flow, the Thessaloniki Traffic Directorate has announced traffic regulations effective from Friday, September 6, until Sunday, September 8. Vehicles will be prohibited from stopping and parking on certain streets, including Stratou Avenue and September 3rd Street. Alternative routes have been designated to facilitate the movement of vehicles.

Thessaloniki International Fair: A Platform for Economic Growth

The Thessaloniki International Fair is an annual international exhibition event that showcases the latest developments and innovations in various sectors, including household consumables and home supplies industries [[3]]. The fair provides a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with potential customers, investors, and partners, promoting economic growth and cooperation.

the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair is set to be a significant event in Greece’s economic calendar, attracting a large number of visitors and exhibitors. With comprehensive security measures in place, the event is expected to take place without any major disruptions. As a platform for economic growth and innovation, the Thessaloniki International Fair plays a critical role in promoting Greece’s modern challenges and critical sectors of the economy.



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